Features of growing black peppercorns. How allspice peas grow in the natural environment and how to grow them at home Growing black peppercorns

" Pepper

Black pepper, as a spice, has been known to mankind since time immemorial.. Neither the first nor the second courses can do without its aroma and the spiciness that adds taste; delicious marinades also cannot be prepared without the well-known black peas. But not everyone knows How does this well-known spice grow?- black peppercorns. IN Lately growing black pepper summer cottage and at home is becoming more and more popular, so I would like to answer in detail all the questions that arise.

The spice is native to the subtropics of Asia. Plantations of “Malabar berry,” another name for black pepper, are located in India, Brazil, and Indonesia.

In its natural habitat, it is a perennial tree-like vine that wraps around tree trunks.

Pepper vine grows up to 15 meters tall with large leathery leaves and hanging clusters of hard fruit balls.

Green grapes turn red as they ripen. Red berries are collected and dried. During the drying process, the fruits become familiar to everyone, black peas.

How black peppercorns grow in Australia:

Is it possible and how to grow a plant at home?

Since at a temperature of +10°C the pepper vine dies, It is almost impossible to grow it in open ground here..

But when creating favorable conditions, it grows well and even bears fruit as a houseplant.

A little patience and you will certainly be able to surprise your family and friends with an exotic resident on the windowsill.

Where to plant, where to get the seed

So where to plant? For the pepper West and east windows are best suited With good lighting and lack of direct sunlight.

If the planting is located on the south side, you should lightly cover the plant from too bright light.

Optimal temperature for growth and development +25°C. In winter, like most plants, the pepper vine begins a dormant period; at this time, the planting feels great at +16°C.

Which is sold in almost every grocery store.

You should pay attention to the packaging date; seeds packaged more than a year ago may not germinate.

Before planting, they are soaked for a day in water +25-+30°C. Floating peas should not be planted. After this, the seeds are planted in the prepared soil.

What soil to choose

Seeds should be planted in a pot with a good drainage layer., pepper loves moisture, but if there is too much of it, the plant may die.

Expanded clay and shards are used as drainage; ordinary crushed stone is excellent for creating a drainage layer. We should not forget about the holes for water drainage in the bottom of the pot.

Ready-made soil mixture for orchids is perfect for planting., but you can prepare the ground yourself. The following composition will be optimal:

  • sand - 1 portion;
  • humus - 1 portion;
  • turf soil - 4 servings;
  • leafy soil - 2 servings.

Seeds are planted in late May-early June. They can be covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect.

The planting should be systematically watered and ventilated. Shoots appear in 3-4 weeks.

Growing and care at home


Pepper loves good moisture and needs abundant watering and spraying from spring to autumn. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist.

In winter, watering is reduced and water the plant twice as often. If the room temperature in winter is within +20°C, there is no need to spray.

Important: watering and spraying is carried out with settled water which contains less salts and chlorine.

Top dressing

Adding complex to the soil mineral fertilizer or diluted chicken manure will provide the planting with the necessary substances.

Fertilize from late April to early October, twice a month. With sufficient fertilizer content in the soil, the plant will enjoy good appearance and active growth.


It is produced every two years. The plant is placed in a pot bigger size, by transshipment method. The soil must be moistened before replanting so as not to damage the root system.

Possible difficulties

Pepper will tell you what he needs at the moment. If there is a shortage sunlight the plant stretches and sheds its leaves.

At insufficient humidity the tips of the leaves become brown. Excessive waterlogging leads to yellowing of the leaves.

Direct sunlight can cause the foliage to burn and dry out.

Little growing tricks

Because it's a vine support needs to be installed to give the seedling the opportunity to grow normally.

Appearance on back side leaves with white “eggs” is normal for the plant.

The green pet begins to bear fruit in the second year of life. Depending on the time of harvesting the fruits, you can get green, white, and actually black pepper.

At good conditions keeping pepper vine at home can reach 2 m in height.

White pepper is obtained by soaking ripe fruits for 2 weeks and then peeling and drying.

Only black peas can be used as seeds. Red, white and green seeds do not germinate.

Beneficial features

The spice has a powerful antibacterial effect. Helps preserve food, which is why it is so popular in hot Asian countries.

Able to normalize the digestion process. Helps with colds. It is an excellent antioxidant and improves metabolism.

With mass beneficial properties It should be remembered that pepper is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and its excessive use can be harmful.

The program “About the Most Important Thing” will talk about black peppercorns:

Growing peppers at home is easy. A little patience and careful care will allow you to get a very interesting plant, not only useful, but also has excellent decorative properties.

Try it, you will definitely succeed.

This fiery, aromatic seasoning is familiar to everyone. We actively use it in the preparation of soups, some main courses and canning. This spice is widely available in all grocery stores, there is no shortage of it. But what to do if you absolutely want to grow this strange plant at home yourself? The answer is simple - grow it!


This spice is native to the Malabar coast of India, where this plant can be found in the jungle. The height of its vines can reach 15 m, and its life span is up to 50 years.

Nowadays, due to the popularity of peppercorns throughout the world, it is actively cultivated in Brazil, Indonesia (on the islands of Barneo, Sumatra and Java) and Sri Lanka.

Black peppercorns help with colds, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, being:

  • antioxidant that improves skin condition;
  • digestive stimulant;
  • a remedy for bloating and colic in the abdomen;
  • antibacterial agent;
  • destroyer of fat cells.


You can get planting material at your nearest supermarket by buying a pack of black peppercorns. The largest specimens should be selected for planting.

Seeds are poured hot water, heated to +60 C, and left to soak for a day (it is advisable to refresh the water after it has cooled completely).

At this time, prepare the soil - mix 2 parts of leaf soil with 3 parts of turf soil, 2 parts of humus and 1 part of sand. To the bottom seedling box lay out a layer of drainage (expanded clay works well), place the prepared substrate on top, lightly compact it and water it (it is also advisable to disinfect your own soil with potassium permanganate).

Black peppercorns are sown according to a 2x2 cm pattern. Planting depth is 2 pea diameters. After planting, the surface is compacted and watered. Until the seedlings appear in 3-4 weeks, the seedling container is kept in a bright and warm place.

After 2 leaves appear, you can start feeding the seedlings. In the phase of 3-4 true leaves, plants are planted in separate pots.

In the summer, peppers can be planted in the garden, and by autumn they can be transferred back to pots. But this method is not very convenient. It’s easier to grow peppers in tubs, and in the summer just take them out onto the site.

In spring and summer, watering should be the most abundant, in autumn a little less, in winter - much less. Use soft, pre-settled water in all cases. Overdrying and overmoistening are equally harmful to vine-shaped peppers.

Peppers love moisture. summer period the plant is sprayed with a spray bottle 2 times a day and a constant temperature is maintained from +20 to +25 C.

In winter, the plant should be in relative peace, so the frequency of watering is reduced, the air temperature is reduced to +17...+20 C, and they try not to disturb the vine again.

Young peppers are transplanted once a year in the spring. Adult plants are replanted once every 2 years.

Be sure to provide good support, around which the vine-shaped pepper can wrap itself.

You will see the first harvest only 2 years after planting the peas (in the future, the plant, with proper care, will bear fruit for about 8-12 years). But to get a harvest, you will have to put in a lot of effort. The following troubles may befall you:

  • Excessive humidity will cause leaves to turn yellow.
  • Chlorosis may develop, which should be treated with iron chelate (prevention should be carried out 2 times per season).
  • With a systematic lack of sunlight, the plant will become stunted, with elongated internodes. In this case, it is unlikely that you should count on good harvest. At the same time, if there is an excess of light, the pepper may begin to dry out.
  • Lack of fertilizers. For balanced development of pepper, feed it with mullein, chicken droppings, nitroammophoska after awakening from winter (transition to an active state). During the flowering period, use boron-containing preparations to increase the number of ovaries. In autumn and winter period the plant is not fed.

Growing your own black peppercorns is actually not that difficult. I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t resist and already soaked a few peas before the test planting.

Peppercorns cannot be grown in Russia garden plot due to the cold climate, but at home it is possible to create an entire vine and harvest it in the second year after planting.

How peppercorns grow

Peppercorns have a second name: “Malabar berry”, which is native to India. On native land is perennial shrub, whose vines entwine neighboring trees. The fruits are red, green and white. The color of the pepper depends on the time of harvest.

  • The very first to be harvested is green pepper, which gets its color due to its immaturity during the harvest period. It undergoes special processing to preserve the aroma and taste of the original product, and mainly to preserve the natural color. Used in Arabic and Asian cuisine.
  • Black pepper is harvested semi red, but during the process of fermentation and drying in ovens, the shell loses its natural color and turns black and wrinkles. It is popular throughout the world as a spice.
  • White pepper - the fruits are picked fully ripe and red in color. After harvesting, the peas are soaked in bleaching water for a week. After soaking, the grains become white or gray.

In European countries and Russia it is grown as a shrub about 3 m high. Consists of a herbaceous stem with pointed leaves dark green. The plant is self-pollinating and bears fruits round shape, attached to the peduncle with a wide end. The fruits have 4 nests, inside of which there are yellow seeds.

How peppercorns grow in an apartment

Black pepper develops well at home at a temperature of +25-30 degrees. Seeds for growing are sold in any supermarket in a bag of black pea spices.

  • Select large seeds and soak them clean water On one day.
  • After soaking, plant the pea in a container filled with turf soil, manure and river sand in proportions 4:1:1.
  • The preferred place for growing is on the windowsills of the western and eastern sides; it must be shaded from direct and scorching rays of the sun.
  • After about 3-4 weeks, the sprout will break out. As soon as the second leaf forms on the stem, the plant should be fed with an aqueous solution of bird droppings diluted 1:10.
  • The rooted plant is transplanted into a deep pot for further development, all subsequent transplants take place every two years.

During the period of active flowering (spring), grow peppers at a temperature of at least 25 degrees; during the winter dormancy period, you can reduce the temperature to 18 degrees. Pepper is a moisture-loving plant and needs daily watering and spraying with settled water. To increase humidity, you can place the flowerpot on a tray with wet peat or expanded clay. At proper care the plant can reach up to 2 meters in height in the first year. Due to the unstable stem, the plant will require additional support.

3) How pepper grows - growing by cuttings and layering

  • Cuttings are selected from a plant that is at least two years old. Planting material select a healthy one, without damage, with 2 kidneys. For rooting, place the cuttings in a box or create an artificial greenhouse with air holes. The optimal temperature is 25°C.
  • Substrate – 1 part leaf soil, 0.5 part sand and humus.
  • Over the course of 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root, after which they can be transplanted into pots, one seedling at a time, about 10 cm high.

When choosing propagation by layering, attach the lying shoots to the ground with wooden pins and mulch the top with fertile soil. Provide young shoots with proper care - daily watering and absence of drafts. After the roots have taken root, separate them from the mother bush and transplant them into prepared containers.

Is it possible to grow black, green, or white peppercorns at home? It turns out that it is possible, and it is relatively easy to do. And you don’t need to get the seeds, just go to the store and buy black peppercorns. If you see them in bulk, try to find the largest peas. After harvesting, they are dried in the sun; black peppercorns are not subjected to other heat treatment - and therefore it is quite possible to grow new plants from them.

Benefits of black pepper

People have long valued black pepper, which was one of the first to come to Europe from India. And it’s no coincidence that black pepper is the most universal spicy plant: It improves digestion, kills bacteria and protects against dysentery, colic, diarrhea and constipation. They can be used to treat colds and coughs. Black pepper is also a natural antioxidant that can decompose substances harmful to the body. For example, it destroys fat cells in the body, and therefore, along with, helps fight excess weight.

Still, you shouldn’t get too carried away with it. It is also contraindicated for stomach ulcers and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Growing Black Pepper

Buy black peppercorns, choose the largest peas, and soak them in water for a day.

The selected black pepper should be placed in water for a day, and then planted as seedlings in a container. The best time to plant peppers is in early summer when temperatures are hot. The optimal temperature for growing black pepper is 25-30 degrees.

The soil

The soil for planting is best prepared from turf soil, sand and humus in equal parts. After the second leaf appears, the pepper needs to be fed. For feeding use water solution bird droppings in a ratio of 1:10. infused for a couple of days. A week after feeding, the plants can be transplanted into large separate pots.

Fertilizing is also done in summer and spring. Once every two years the plant is replaced with new soil.


Water the black pepper with water at room temperature. Black pepper is a moisture-loving plant. You need to make sure that the soil does not dry out, but also not be too wet. You also need to spray the plants twice a day with water in the summer. In winter, spraying is done less frequently.

Temperature and lighting

In summer, keep black pepper plants on outdoors, in a quiet, bright place, but not under direct sun rays- it can burn.

The rest of the time, bring it indoors - on the windowsill. Keep in mind that the temperature is less than 10 degrees, and sudden cold snaps, black pepper may not withstand and die. In winter, the temperature should be reduced to about 18 degrees. It is not advisable to lower the temperature below 16 degrees.


During the growing process, something similar to eggs may appear on the back of the black pepper leaves. white, which subsequently turn black. Don't worry - this is normal.


In addition to peppercorns, black pepper can be propagated using cuttings and layering.


With proper care, the plant reaches 2 meters in height or more. Since this is a vine plant, you need to put supports. In the second year, black pepper will bloom and then produce yellow and red fruits.

Black peppercorns are the fruits of peppers that have been dried in the sun.

White pepper is obtained from black pepper by soaking the peppercorns in water. The peas lie in water for a week, after which the black shell is peeled off and dried.

Green pepper made from unripe green black fruits. After drying, they remain green. Slightly more mature fruits and you get red pepper.

Only black peppercorns are suitable for cultivation. Green, white and red peppers are not planted - nothing will grow from them.

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It is fragrant, aromatic and moderately hot. If, of course, we compare it with ground chili pepper, it loses a little in the fiery taste, but wins in the subtle aspects of aroma. This is black peppercorns, the most common spice among housewives around the world. Despite its availability, many people want to grow the “king of spices” themselves from seeds, looking at the unique “thread-lashes” of the finished product in the photo. What is needed for this? Find out about simple rules sowing and special cultivation!

A short “biography” of the king of spices, or who he is, what he is like and where he comes from

The homeland of black pepper is India (Malabar Coast). In its forests, pepper is a wild crop, a vine plant. Its length is 10-15 m, life expectancy is up to 50 years. The spice is specially cultivated on the island of Sumatra, Java, Brazil, Borneo, Sri Lanka, where the plant is specially inhibited in growth and supported on special struts so that the ready-made fruits do not lie on the ground.

Black peppercorns are not only the most popular spice in Latin American countries, but also a plant with healing properties. It helps cope with colds and is effective against cardiovascular diseases, as well as some gastrointestinal diseases. Thanks to his chemical composition"king of spices":

  • helps the body more easily deliver nutrients;
  • is an antioxidant and is also able to cope with problem skin;
  • stimulates digestion, while eliminating bloating and colic;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • destroys fat cells, that is, helps in losing weight for those who strive for a slim figure.

But despite medicinal properties, our gardeners want to grow peppers in their dachas to add to the dishes they prepare. It can be purchased at the store in any quantity, but growing it yourself is unique and fun. And the abundant harvest will last for more than one year!

Attention! If you eat white pepper, grow black pepper, because they are the same thing. Black pepper undergoes a special processing, during which the black (the one that later becomes wrinkled) “skin” is removed from it.

Black pepper: where to get seeds and how to sow them correctly

You can't buy black pepper seeds in a specialty store, but you can do it in a regular supermarket. You should choose the packer, TM, whom you trust the most. Having opened the bag, you should choose the largest from the seeds. And then proceed to pre-sowing treatment and sowing.

Black pepper is a tropical crop and therefore thermophilic. Therefore in open ground You can sow seeds only in late May-early June, on a windowsill in a bowl - only after making sure that the growing temperature is 25-30ºC.

To grow pea seedlings you need:

  • prepare the seeds. To do this, they need to be filled with hot water (60ºС) for 24 hours. The water can be changed after it has cooled completely;
  • mix soil: 4 parts leaf soil, 3 parts turf, 2 parts humus and 1 part sand, tamp a little in a box or bowl, moisten;
  • sow peas according to a 1x1 cm pattern to a depth of 2 pea diameters, compact, water;
  • keep the box in a warm and bright place, moisten as necessary;
  • wait for germination on days 21-28.

At the stage of 2-3 true leaves, the sprouts should be cut into separate cups or cassettes with large cells. And solve the question of where the pepper will grow in warm period- in the garden or containers in the house. When choosing the first option, do not forget about the necessary digging of the pepper and replanting it in a pot for wintering in comfortable conditions.

Attention! Due to the fact that pepper is a heat-loving plant, a temperature of 10ºC is destructive for it. There is nothing to say about short autumn frosts.

Caring for black pepper, or the pitfalls of proper cultivation

A black pepper bush planted in a huge tub, one that is meticulously cared for, can produce a harvest for more than one year (8-12 years). But it is worth remembering that the harvest can only be harvested in the second year of the plant’s life. Enjoy green or black peas, pick them, dry them naturally and enjoy the pungency and aroma. By the way, these indicators depend precisely on care: sufficient moisture and sun.

But to get a harvest, you still need to work hard. And here it is worth remembering that the following are dangerous for the plant:

  • excessive humidity, which can cause leaves to turn yellow. Developing chlorosis should be treated with iron chelate purchased in solution. Prevention - several times per season;
  • minimum sunlight. The result is elongated internodes, a weak and unhealthy plant that is unlikely to produce a good harvest. Therefore, for pepper - the sunniest place in the house, especially in winter. When there is too much light, the plant dries out, so it’s worth looking for best option trial and error;
  • abundance/inadequacy of fertilizing. Pepper must receive all the necessary substances and micro-, macroelements, so it is worth using cow dung, bird droppings, nitroammofoska, other fertilizers and preparations for “feeding”.

In winter, during the dormant period, the vine should be watered rarely and should not be moved from place to place. When you wake up, feed them; during flowering, use preparations with boron for good fruit set.

It turns out that it is possible to grow peppercorns. The only condition is compliance with light and temperature conditions. And peas in large quantities secured!

How black pepper grows: video