Is there any benefit from a mosquito bite? Why do we need mosquitoes in nature?

Whenever we talk about insects that bother humans, assumptions about possible benefits these creatures look out of place. But nothing in nature happens just like that. Each creature, even the most unpleasant, is in its specific place and is an important link in the food chain - the biocenosis.

On a note!

Each area has its own local biocenosis. Some creatures are someone’s food or a source of useful elements, while other participants in the chain are consumers of all the benefits created in the chain. Mosquitoes occupy by no means the least important place in the formation of biocenosis.

Benefits of mosquitoes

They are small blood-sucking insects that live everywhere on all continents except Antarctica. Their development from egg to adult occurs in water. The formed insect can be found in thickets of grass, parks, forests, and desert areas.


The females of most species of mosquitoes form the offspring of their victims, and the males choose nectar and plant juice as their food.

Considering the wide habitat and presence of the insect in water, on land and in the air, we can analyze what role it plays in the formation of the biocenosis:

  1. Filtration of reservoirs. , despite its microscopic size, is capable of passing through itself up to one liter per day in search of microorganisms and bacteria. Purified water becomes less suitable for the growth of dangerous bacteria.
  2. for the inhabitants of reservoirs. Many species of fish, amphibians, and other insects feed on mosquito eggs, larvae and pupae.
  3. Spreading chemical elements. By filtering the water of lakes and swamps, insects accumulate the following useful elements in their bodies: nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, boron. Turning into an imago, a mosquito can cross long distances and die in the forest, which so needs chemical substances. In some areas, mosquitoes are the only transporter of useful elements of water bodies for forests.
  4. Mosquitoes are needed to pollinate plants. In some species exclusively plant foods– nectar and plant juice. Flying from one flower to another, they carry pollen particles on their paws and proboscis, thereby promoting pollination and the development of flora.
  5. Food for birds and ground dwellers.
  6. Animal population control. Being mosquitoes, they regulate the population size of a particular animal species. This promotes balance in the ecosystem and maintains optimal ratio between species.

Harm from mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are definitely not the most pleasant insects for humans. They are provoked on the skin, unpleasant sensations can be replaced by poor health. But some types of these bloodsuckers bring real trouble - fatal diseases. is a carrier of dangerous diseases:

  • malaria;
  • encephalitis;
  • anthrax;
  • dengue;
  • intestinal infections and others.

Another type of mosquito is a real disaster for agriculture. Self adult insect does not provide any negative influence to the garden. The damage is caused by mosquito larvae that emerge from eggs laid in moist soil. They are capable of devouring everything in their path. They often come across cultivated plants that have great importance for the development of agriculture in the region:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • cabbage.

What will the disappearance of mosquitoes lead to?

It is impossible to say exactly what the complete disappearance of all mosquito species on the planet will entail. But it is possible to analyze situations that arose from the previous bitter experiences of people who interfered with the ecosystem. When a person decides for himself that he needs to get rid of this or that type of plant or animal, he is not aware of the whole picture.

Having destroyed a certain link in the food chain, nature will begin to look for a replacement for it, or will rebuild the food chain in a different way. And with great confidence we can assume that new option biocenosis is unlikely to take into account all human needs. And he will again have to solve his problems by exterminating another participant in the natural system.

The destruction of mosquitoes everywhere will serve as a new impetus for changes in the food chain and more familiar mosquitoes may take the place of dangerous species insects Their evolution and mutation will adjust to replace the missing link. But this is unlikely to suit a person. The conclusion is obvious - interference with nature entails unpleasant or even destructive consequences for all of humanity.

How are mosquitoes useful?

They have neither poison nor anesthesia for their bite, only a chilling squeak. But still. It’s no secret that mosquitoes bite some people more, while others seem to be ignored. Why would this be?

Look at a mosquito looking for a place to bite - will it bite into any place? Of course not. He searches for a long time and carefully for a place to stick his needle. And by what parameters does he determine which place is suitable? Mosquitoes find their prey by smell, and they also look for the place that smells the strongest. And the sore spot smells the most - that’s where the blood concentration occurs.

The famous yoga ascetic Yogananda said that he was surprised when his teacher Sri Yukteswar was not bitten by mosquitoes, while all his students were forced to sleep with mosquito nets. And the bard from Tambov, Igor Lyubimov, who came to Kazan, told how he was amazed that his friend was basking in the sun, and butterflies and dragonflies were landing on him, but only horseflies and mosquitoes were landing on Igor himself.

So, the first conclusion that can be drawn is that mosquitoes bite less kind people in a calm state of mind, and prefer those who are aggressive. Mosquitoes serve as the pointing finger of God and Nature, drawing human attention to those mental problems that can cause physical illness (as expressed in the statement “all diseases are from nerves”).

But there is another point: after living for some time in a certain area, you begin to notice that mosquitoes bite less and less. Grandmothers explain it this way: “They have already eaten your blood!” This is, of course, not true. The number of mosquitoes is huge, and new ones appear every two weeks, they cannot get enough. But we can.

By eating what grows in a given area, we become saturated with it. chemical composition, we blend into the background and become invisible to mosquitoes, unless, of course, we have persistent mental and physical disorders. Mosquitoes protect the earth from the invasion of strangers and evil ones - oh, what great fellows! And a person who is addicted to foreign food and poor nutrition in general is pointed out about emerging illnesses before he himself feels them.

But another reason mosquitoes stop biting is that a person, having undergone a course of mosquito therapy, simply recovers. Mosquitoes clear clogged pores of the skin, and also improve blood supply to those parts of the body that do not receive sufficient nutrition due to spasms or muscle tightness (like we rub the bitten area - until it’s red - what a massage!).

And if in the language of Chinese medicine, they cleanse the finest energy channels. And if we have already recognized the importance of Chinese medical practices and introduced the positions of acupuncturists in clinics, then we must also recognize mosquitoes for their greatest professionalism. No matter how thorough a diagnosis a health worker carries out - this is bookish, mental knowledge - he calculates where to stick the needle, and the mosquito directly feels it.

But the energy channels are only a fraction of a millimeter thick, and a very small mistake can stimulate not the work of the heart, but, on the contrary, depress the stomach. Moreover, a mosquito will not bite a second time into a canal that has already been cleaned, while an acupuncturist, without complete information, will stick a needle into a properly functioning canal and ruin everything.

Therefore, the next time a mosquito lands on you, do not rush to swat it away - this is immediate Divine help. Just take a breath and relax the place where it hurts, you can send the energy of Love towards it - it will pass through the painful area and promote healing. And thank the mosquito for the free, absolutely professional and effective acupuncture course.

If your illnesses are so advanced that the hail of bites is simply unbearable, help the mosquitoes: take a steam bath, bathe, bathe in dew, eat right, move more and more variedly, eliminating stagnation of energy. Your body will begin to exude pleasant ethers, and mosquitoes will recognize you as the king of nature and will fly around, squeaking respectfully.

P.S. It is known that vaccinations against various diseases are made with the blood sera of recovered people and animals, which contain weakened or even dead pathogens, so that the body can develop antibodies to them and not get sick during a real infection. But this is exactly what mosquitoes do, transferring blood (in the event of an unsuccessful bite) from one person to another. Moreover, they do this in microscopic doses, carrying out universal preventive vaccination.

True, some pathogens, for example those that cause malaria, have adapted this mechanism for their own purposes - this is the exception that confirms the rule. After all, some people are allergic to mother’s milk, but it is precisely this that a child needs for life. In addition, no diseases transmitted by mosquitoes have been detected in our climate zone.

Mosquitoes do not treat the flu itself, but provide information to weakened organs about what atmospheric phenomenon will have a greater impact and in what quantity this season, and the body makes adjustments and increases the supply of substances to the necessary organs; if the body is strong, then there is no need for mosquitoes to inform you.
Elena Salnikova,

A harmful insect that buzzes, bites and causes itching for a couple of days seems like a universal evil. The benefits of mosquitoes in nature are underestimated by those who regularly suffer from bites. Meanwhile, in nature there are no superfluous or unnecessary elements.

The benefits of mosquitoes to nature - if you look from the outside

Mosquitoes (and only their females) drink blood only at the adult stage of development, having managed to serve:

  • at the larval and pupal stages food for fish and amphibians;
  • filter high class cleaning for standing fresh water bodies at the larval stage;
  • pollinators of flowering plants - at the adult stage. Both females and males practice a vegetarian diet; blood is not food, but a source of dietary supplements for reproduction;
  • food for predatory insects, such as dragonflies;
  • a treat for small birds. The same swallows enjoy catching mosquitoes.

Let's not forget that bell mosquito larvae (bloodworms) are the best natural bait for fishing and breeding aquarium fish. At the same time, the bells are completely harmless to humans.

Thus, if you omit the short period in which female mosquitoes drink blood, the insect turns out to be beneficial.

Mosquitoes harm people

What will the disappearance of mosquitoes as a species lead to?

It is unlikely that the consequences will be catastrophic, but a huge number of river commercial fish and many bird species will be deprived of their usual food. The population of predatory insects that feed on mosquitoes will decrease. Water from stagnant bodies of water will have to be filtered more carefully; it is possible that small, stagnant bodies of water will become swamped.

Unfortunately, the disappearance of mosquitoes will not provide any particular benefits. Nature abhors a vacuum. In the absence of mosquitoes, another insect with the same taste preferences will certainly appear. A person who has learned to protect himself from mosquitoes does not need to make plans for their total eradication. Moreover, the basic role that blood-sucking insects play food chains, is difficult to overestimate.

- these are not only small, squeaking insects that are designed to annoy a person and ruin his entire vacation in the summer. Their purpose is much more significant and larger-scale. There are quite a few reasons why mosquitoes are needed. After all, they play an important role in the natural balance, and without them the world could not remain in the form in which it currently exists.

What benefits do they bring to humans and nature?

The pesky midge is an important link in many food chains. Without them, the entire plant and animal world. Even human life would undergo major changes.

  • The benefits of mosquitoes begin long before they develop into adults. Some amphibians choose their eggs and larvae as their main food source.
  • have a high ability to filter water. In just 1 hour, one individual can pass about 1 liter of water through itself. They also help to somewhat clean water bodies, as they feed on the products of decomposition of plants and algae.
  • When considering the question of what mosquitoes are for, we also talk about their role in providing nutrients to land plots and herbalists. Mosquitoes provide benefits even after they die. After turning into an adult, the pupa takes with it from the reservoir a huge amount of microelements, which after death enrich the soil.
  • Males are needed in nature and for active plant reproduction. Unlike females, they lead a herbivorous lifestyle and do not use the blood of warm-blooded animals as food. Males pollinate plants and contribute to their development.


Mosquitoes are useful even for medicinal purposes. In some Eastern countries, mosquito therapy is used for treatment. Its essence is based on the ability of bloodsuckers to find weak and painful places on the human body.

If mosquitoes and midges begin to disappear, humans, plants and natural world will be forced to adapt to new conditions of existence on the planet. The benefits of mosquitoes were inherent in nature from the very beginning and you cannot interfere with this system.

The benefits and harms of mosquito bites

Many people are familiar with the harmful consequences of encountering mosquitoes. The main and most unpleasant consequences are:

But these are only the most standard situations. Sometimes a mosquito bite can cause severe infection of the human body by worm larvae or a dangerous malaria virus, if the offender was.

But sometimes they can even benefit a person. During an attack on the victim, the bloodsucker injects a special substance under the skin. It is designed to thin the blood and prevent it from clotting until the insect is satisfied. This effect cannot be compared with the reaction to banal Aspirin, but light therapy is present.

Also, scientists have recorded: insects often land on diseased areas, as they emit more thermal energy. They are able to eliminate small capillary blood clots and improve blood supply.

But even these arguments cannot be a reason to voluntarily expose your body to a whole horde of hungry bloodsuckers. After all, such therapy may not be safe for everyone. Therefore, it is better, when going to nature, to take care of the availability of special ones for humans and pets.

What is the world like without bloodsuckers?

If we imagine a hypothetical situation that all mosquitoes have died out, then the world will cease to exist in the form in which it currently exists.

Mosquitoes, although very small insects, which can only be examined in detail, are numerous and play an important vital role for many living beings and even humans.

What will happen if mosquitoes disappear:
  1. Along with them, some species of fish that feed only on these insects will disappear. One of the most famous is Gambusia. She prefers to use malaria mosquito larvae as her main food source. Not all species will die, but those that survive will have to find other food.
  2. Populations of fauna representatives will die out or significantly decrease: toads, frogs and the bats. As a result, they will have to look for a new object to eat and change the number of butterflies, caterpillars and other organisms.
  3. Changes in the plant world. Many plants will simply disappear, since their pollination occurs precisely thanks to male mosquitoes, because it is directly dependent on gender. And if, then males feed on nectar. The number and representatives will be reduced flora, which could fully develop thanks to fertilizers after the work of insect larvae. It won't cause significant damage agriculture, but certain representatives of the flora will die out forever.
  4. Birds. The absence of mosquitoes will not cause the birds to die. But they will have to look for other options than to eat. In cities, it will be very difficult for representatives such as swifts and swallows to find food sources. Their populations will decline significantly. Birds will also have to leave urban areas.
  5. Reindeer relocation. These animals are afraid of mosquitoes and do not live where there are a large number of bloodsuckers. The disappearance of mosquitoes will expand the ranges of deer, which will put a significant burden on other biocenoses.
  6. Solving problems with certain diseases. Mosquitoes are: malaria, filaria larvae, etc. People will get sick and die less often.
  7. Increasing the development area. Some lands still remain uncultivated simply because there are huge numbers of mosquitoes living there. If they disappear, people will be able to develop new lands, which will certainly affect the balance of the entire living world.

Thus, the role of mosquitoes in human life and nature has been determined by natural laws since the creation of the world. A person should not resist them or try to change them. It is important to maintain the existing harmony.

Ask a hundred people about the benefits of mosquitoes and ninety-nine will look at you like you're crazy. If only they remember that midge birds and frogs eat, that’s good. But nothing in nature exists simply out of harm.

Thanks mosquito

“A mosquito is a doctor who detects your diseases before you begin to suspect them,” biologist Valery Krapivin is convinced. - Please note that the mosquito does not immediately bite, it chooses a place to bite, but not something that is gentler. He is looking for "bad blood". Only for some reason they recognized the ability of leeches and bees to heal, but the mosquito is in disgrace. He chooses the place of the bite, as well as his victim, by “smell”. And the sore spot “smells” the most. That’s what the mosquito finds.”

Speaking in the language of Chinese medicine, mosquitoes and other “acupuncture” animals clear energy channels, releasing stagnant energy. We trust acupuncturists, but they look for a place for an injection, guided by book knowledge about active points and experience, and the vile simply senses such places.

“A person’s sore spot always radiates more heat,” continues Valery Krapivin. - After all, it is in this place that the body accumulates energy and pumps blood to get rid of toxins. Insects feel this. These are the doctors that nature gave us, so when I get mosquito bites, I just endure it and let them do the job of cleaning my body. By the way, after “mosquito therapy” sessions, my wife’s heart always “let go.”

Let yourself be bitten

If you look closely at people relaxing in nature, you will notice that some are hardly bitten by mosquitoes, while others are simply covered from head to toe. This is not because one is “tastier” than the other. It’s just that there’s a lot more work to do with a slagged body.

We have not noticed that the aborigines are less bothered by midges than people who have recently arrived in this area. After all, by eating what grows here, we seem to “merge” with the biological background and the chemical composition of the blood is enriched with microelements inherent in the local food - read, berries, mushrooms, fish, meat, nuts, etc.

Need to drink clean water, eat right, eat vegetables and fruits, take a steam bath and move more. Slags will actively come out, and midges will land on you less and less often.

“My daughter is raising my grandson correctly,” continues Valery Krapivin. - He can’t stand smoked sausage, but he eats fruits and berries from the garden with pleasure. Mosquitoes hardly bite him. This means the body is healthy.”

By the way, insects also maintain ecological balance in the taiga region - a significant part of the cycle of substances occurs thanks to mosquitoes. From 100 hectares of swamp, 30 kg of carbon, 15 kg of nitrogen, 10 kg of phosphorus and 6 kg of calcium “fly away” annually - thus, the swamps lose their destructive effect on the forest. Flying out of reservoirs, mosquitoes die on land, fertilizing the soil. For 1 km2 of forests and meadows adjacent to the reservoir, there are up to 500 kg of such beautiful organic fertilizer. Vital trace elements - cobalt, manganese, iodine, iron and gold - are transferred from water to land. And, of course, the mosquito takes a decent part of the work of pollinating flowers in the taiga and tundra on its fragile wings...

Prepared by: Sergey Koval