How tall was Adam.

To the question Do you know how long Adam lived, and how tall were the first people? given by the author Dana Clark the best answer is Then the Almighty scattered mankind, spreading from both of them many men and women, reports Imam Tabari that Khava gave birth to Adam forty (40) children in twins, gave birth twenty times, with each kind of a boy and a girl. The first of them was Qabil and his sister, and the last was Abdul-Mughis and his sister Ummul-Mughis Adam and Hawa lived on earth, Allah Almighty scattered many men and women from both of them, it is reported in one of the messages that Adam lived a thousand ( 1000) years, this is the most likely message, and saw from his descendants and grandchildren a huge number. It is given in Israeliyat (Jewishism) that this number reaches four hundred thousand (400,000). Notwithstanding the Israeliyat, regarding which the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: "Do not consider them true and do not consider them false." However, undoubtedly, humanity has spread, it is in the Qur'an: ﴾And spread from both of them a multitude of men and women﴿, . Humanity spread from Adam and Chav, a huge number of people.

Answer from Lisa[guru]
Is this the main, the main idea of ​​writing the Bible?

Answer from flush[guru]
I heard that Adam is about 900 years old, I don’t know anything about growth

Answer from legal consciousness[active]
Adam was 930 years old when he died ... I don’t know his height, but of course he’s healthier ...

Answer from suck through[guru]
Adam lived 930 years. What was Adam's height, the Bible does not tell. If you mean finds in the form of giant bones, then I think these are not the bones of the first people, but of the Nephilim, who were born from the cohabitation of angels with women.

Answer from Gregory Lagodich[guru]
It doesn't matter who and how long lived on Earth... The main thing is what will be eternal life ...

Answer from Evgeny Melnikov[guru]
Somewhere out there, in these tales, it was that Adam stretched out for more than 100 years. In fact, it is extremely doubtful, for that they are fairy tales. Diseases, wars, lack of hygiene... antibiotics... the first people barely reached 30.

Answer from Costa[guru]
Do you know the parameters of Ivan Tsarevich?

Answer from Lenka S.[guru]
yes, here in the Answers I somehow read that Adam lived for about 1000 years and was 33 cubits tall! (they just didn’t specify in whose elbows? but since there was no one else, it means in his elbows! oh, mom, well, horror)))

Answer from Alexander Suchshinskiy[guru]
I know. Adam's growth was marvelous.

Answer from Pnus[guru]
It is known that human growth has changed many times over the course of evolution. It depended on climatic conditions, the environment, diseases, etc. The very first people on Earth were about 155 cm, after a few centuries, people grew up, and the average height of a person reached 185 cm. (All men in Sparta were above 190 cm .) . But closer to our era, the average height dropped significantly, and was about 170 cm. Therefore, ideas about knights and heroes are greatly overestimated. In the museums of Rome, the armor of the knights of the Middle Ages is kept, and, judging by them, the knights were about 160-168 cm tall.

Answer from Allah babah[guru]
Well, since dinosaurs are hippos for religion, then the ratio should be the same as now with a real hippopotamus.

Races arose after the flood. There were no races before Noah. There were genera that were divided into two main ones - Cainites and Sephites. Cainites follow the murderer Cain. The Sephites continue the traditions of the righteous Abel.

The first human being created, Adam, from whom all other human beings subsequently descended, was created with the best possible combination of genes, such as skin color. A considerable time after the moment of creation, the global Flood destroyed all people, with the exception of a man named Noah, his wife, his three sons and their wives. This Flood significantly changed the world around us. Subsequently, God told the survivors to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. A few hundred years later, people decided to no longer obey God and continue to live together, building a large city with the Tower of Babel as their main rebellious symbol. From Genesis 11 we know that until that time there was only one language, and that God condemned the disobedience of people by making them speak different languages, and therefore they were forced to spread throughout the earth, as was originally determined by God.

Consequently, all races - both Negroid, and Caucasoid, and Australoid, and others - appeared precisely in that very period.

Noah and his family members probably had medium brown skin, while also having the genes for both dark and light skin, because average skin color (dark enough to protect against skin cancer, but also light enough to allow vitamin D production) , would have been most appropriate in the pre-Flood world. (It is likely that there were no extreme climatic changes then.) Since the weight-determining factors of skin color were present in Adam and Eve, it would be most likely that they also had a medium brown skin color. In fact, people with medium brown skin make up the majority of the world's population today.

For several centuries between the Flood and Babylon, there was only one language and one cultural group on earth. Therefore, then there were no barriers to marriage within this group. This would determine the tendency to limit the appearance in people of "extreme" - skin colors. Very dark and very light colors would, of course, still appear, but people predisposed to them would be free to marry anyone who was less dark or less light than themselves. And this would lead to the fact that the average color would remain almost constant. The same could be said about other signs, not just skin color. Under such circumstances, different racial lines will never arise. And any biologist can tell you that this applies to both animals and humans. In order to achieve such separate lines, you would need to break up some rapidly multiplying group of people into smaller groups and keep them apart so that they could no longer interbreed with each other.

Aftermath of Babylon

This is exactly what happened in Babylon. As soon as different languages ​​appeared, barriers immediately arose. People probably not only did not seek to marry those whom they simply could not understand, but entire groups of people who spoke the same language had difficulty establishing trusting relationships with those who spoke a different language. They sought, or were forced, to move from one place to another, finding themselves in different climatic conditions. This is exactly what God wanted. It is unlikely that each small group retained the full range of skin colors, as it was originally in a larger group. Therefore, one group might retain slightly more dark-skinned genes, while another might retain more light-skinned genes. The same could happen with other features: the shape of the nose, the shape of the eyes, and so on. And since they would interbreed only within their own language group, this trend could no longer, as before, be reduced to some kind of average indicator.

When these groups left Babylon, they faced new and different climatic conditions. It may also have affected the balance of hereditary factors in humans, although almost nowhere is the environment more influential than the genetic mixing that was at the origin of each of the groups. Let's take as an example the behavior of those people who moved to areas of cold and insufficient sunlight. Once there, black members of one group or another would not be able to produce the required amount of vitamin D, and therefore they would be less healthy and would have fewer children. Consequently, over time, light-skinned members of the groups would have gained predominance. If several groups fell into such a zone at once, and if the members of one of them had few light-skinned genes, then this group would inevitably die out over time. This natural selection affects only the already manifested traits, and does not contribute to the development of new ones.

It is interesting to note here that in the case of European Neanderthals, an extinct race of humans now recognized as fully human, essentially all available evidence points to vitamin D deficiency in their skeletal remains. It was this, plus a large dose of evolutionary bias, that for a long time placed them in the category of ape-men. However, it can be stated with all certainty that they belonged to some dark-skinned race and were not adapted to life in the environment in which they fell. And the reason for this was the genes responsible for the color of the skin, which were present in them at the beginning. (Note that so-called natural selection does not shape skin color, but only influences colors that already exist.)

Conversely, fair-skinned people could easily get skin cancer in very sunny areas, where dark-skinned people would be more likely to survive.

So we see that the environment can a) affect the gene balance within a single group and b) even cause the extinction of entire groups. That is why the distinctive features are so closely adapted to the conditions of the environment (for example, pale skin in northern peoples, or dark skin in peoples living on the equator).

But this is not always the case. Eskimos have a dark skin color, but they live where there is little sun. Pygmies, on the other hand, live in hot regions, but in their dense jungles they rarely come into direct sunlight. Pygmies are a good example of another phenomenon inextricably linked to the history of the human race: discrimination. When there is any deviation from the norm (for example, the appearance of a light-skinned person among the representatives of the dark-skinned race), it just so happened historically that such a person was considered something abnormal and unacceptable. Therefore, it would be extremely difficult for him to find a spouse or spouse, which would later lead to the disappearance of light genes in representatives of this dark-skinned race, and vice versa. In a similar way, the groups seemed to be striving for "self-purification." In addition, in some cases, interbreeding within a small group can give rise to the development of any, generally accepted, unusual trait, which would previously disappear as a result of constant interracial marriages. In Africa, there is a tribe, all members of which have severely deformed feet, which was the result of such interbreeding within the same group.

Returning again to the pygmies: if a people with genes for such a small stature was put in worse conditions because of this, and a small group of them found refuge in the very thicket of the forest, then they, marrying only with each other, may have provided those the very birth of the pygmy race. The fact that the Pygmy tribes never had their own language, but instead used dialects of the non-Pygmy languages ​​of their neighbors, is good evidence to support this version.


Groups of people who already possessed certain characteristics could make a conscious (or semi-conscious) choice of the climatic region where they were going to move. For example, those who had the genes to form a thicker, insulating layer of fat under the skin may have tended to leave hot areas where they felt uncomfortable.

Other evidence

Evidence to support the biblical origins of the human race may be more than just biological and genetic. After all the races arose from the family of Noah, relatively little time passed, and we would be surprised if in the stories and legends of many groups there were not preserved any memories, even in a somewhat distorted and altered form, of one catastrophic event or another. phenomenon. Indeed, in many cultures there are similar reports about a certain Flood that destroyed the whole world. Often they contain striking parallels with the true, original story (eight people who escaped in a boat, a rainbow, sending birds, etc.).


Summing up the above facts, we can note the following: Babylonian dispersion, which split a large group (where intertribal marriages were common) into small groups (where closely related marriages were practiced), led to the resulting groups receiving various combinations of genes for certain physical traits. This, in turn, caused certain permanent differences to form in some of these groups, which we have called distinct races, in a short space of time. In addition, under the influence of the environment, changes occurred in already existing gene combinations, causing a tendency to adapt characteristic features to the surrounding climatic conditions. It was not about any evolution of genes that already existed by that time. These or those features of different races arise on the basis of diverse combinations of already existing genes, as well as some minor changes towards degeneration resulting from certain mutations (random changes that can be inherited). The (genetic) information originally created by the Creator was either regrouped or degenerated, but not supplemented.

... the first person
... the first person who did not have a navel (or mother)
…of the first operation
... first husband
... the first genius
... the first farmer
…the first taxonomist
... first father
... the first man to sin
…what color was his skin?
…Why does the First Adam need the Last Adam?

Read also God's story about Adam and the human race! Completely with voice and illustrations. START

Would the first human have black hair, brown skin and brown eyes? Was he two meters tall? There are questions we can't answer for sure because we haven't been there and haven't seen Adam. However, by reading Genesis, and armed with scientific knowledge, we can learn a lot about what Adam was likely to be.

Did Adam have a belly button?

I was often asked about this. Basically, I think we have a definite answer here.

Adam was the FIRST MAN

Let's think about Adam now. Was he born the same way as you and I? Definitely not. It was created directly by God from the dust of the ground.


“And the Lord God brought a deep sleep upon the man; and when he fell asleep, he took one of his ribs, and covered the place with flesh. And the Lord God created from the rib taken from the man a wife, and brought her to the man. And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she will be called woman, for she was taken from man.

“The Lord God formed from the earth all the animals of the field and all the birds of the air, and brought [them] to the man to see what he would call them, and that whatever the man called every living soul, that was its name. And the man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to all the beasts of the field; but for man there was not found a helper like him.”

Man has always given things names. Scientists who give names to various animals and plants are called taxonomists. All students of taxonomy know how difficult it is to remember all these names. Adam shouldn't have had this problem because he was created perfect. He had to be as smart as a human could possibly be.

Adam was the FIRST GENIUS

By the way, in order to name the animals, Adam had to be able to speak. He had to have a complex language from the very beginning. He didn't have to learn to talk like us. It was created by a mature man.

How different from us Adam! He woke up after his creation as a conscious being, fully formed, able to communicate and understand.

Have you ever thought about the fact that Adam did not see how God created him? Although the proof that God did this was everything that surrounded Adam? Adam did not see how God created Eve. This means that Adam, like us today, had to take on faith God's Word about where he came from. But like Adam, we have plenty of evidence that God created us the way His Word says.

Some people think that since Adam had to name all these animals on the sixth day of creation, it couldn't have been a normal day. They think it must have been a long period. I am often told that it is impossible to give all the names in one day. However, people who say this usually assume that if they can't give and remember all the names, then neither could Adam.

Adam was the FIRST SINNER

And the lady was told not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17). Therefore, if Adam, as the head of the human race, disobeyed God, then the consequences should have affected all his descendants.

Although Eve was tempted by the serpent and tasted the forbidden fruit first, it was Adam who brought sin into the world, because he was the head of the human race and the first commandment was given to him.

Romans 5:12 says, “Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned.”

Because of this sin of disobeying God's law, God cursed the earth (Genesis 3:17), made thorns and thistles grow out of it, that is, thorns and thistles (Genesis 3:18), and introduced death into the world - Adam and Eve died spiritually, and began to die physically.

The first physical death of which there is a record is the death of at least one animal, when "the Lord God made garments of leather for Adam and his wife and clothed them." God killed the animal and shed blood and gave Adam and Eve a cover. This is a great picture that something special was about to happen - that because of sin, the shed blood would become a covering.

Hebrews 9:22 states that "without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." In order to take away sin, God requires the shedding of blood. However, the blood of bulls and goats was not sufficient. Since sin was introduced into the world by man, it had to be redeemed by man, but a perfect man. If all of Adam's descendants were now suffering from sin, how could this be?

The First Adam Needed "The Last Adam"

God provided a second Adam - a perfect Adam who could be the perfect sacrifice. God Himself came to earth in the form of a man.

Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, was born of a woman to become a man so that a perfect sacrifice could be offered. Jesus was God, but He was also a man, just as man was supposed to be according to God's plan - sinless. He was crucified on the Calvary cross. He shed His blood and paid the price of our sins by overcoming death and the judgment that God placed on man because of sin.

Here is what Paul says in

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November 29th, 2010 , 12:28 am

In the annals of the 15th century Hellenic and Roman, the growth of the first man created by God, Adam, is indicated.
The following is said: The measure of his body is 6 feet, and with the head the whole body is 90 fingers, and the spans are 12 fingers, and the Lakot is 24, and the splash is 16 fingers.
So, STOP, this is an ancient Russian measure and it was equal to 28.8 cm.
We multiply 28.8 by 6 and get the measure of Adam's body = 172.8 cm. Almost 1 meter and 73 cm. But this is without a head! And the whole body with the head was equal to 90 fingers! There are 2 cm in the finger and if we multiply 90 by 2, we get Adam's height = 1.80 cm.
According to the chronicle, it was Adam who gave names to all birds, fish and animals.
The Bible tells us that Adam and Eve had three sons, Abel, Cain and Seth, but the chronicle also tells us about the daughters Azar and Asum.
Seth, the youngest son, gave the name to all the stars and he named the first stars: Kron, Dia, Areya, Aphrodite, Hermin... He also created the Hebrew grammar. Seth took his sister Asuma as his wife, and Cain his sister Azara, from whom the human race went.
And Abel was killed by his elder brother Cain and this was the first murder in the world and it happened where Syria and the capital Damascus are located today, which is translated from the Assyrian language as "Brother's Blood".
Adam lived 930 years. After being expelled from paradise, he lived on the island of Afulia. Where this island is, modernity is no longer known, it can be like Puglia, not far from Albania, the territory of Italy and the easternmost point of Europe. So there may be another meaning.
In Israel (in the Galilee) there is the city of Afula. But they probably didn't mean it.
In the apocrypha, where the name Afulia (Afulis) occurs, they write: "And Adam lived (...) years, and died on the 25th day of the month of September in the place of Afulia. Abraham and Isaac were also buried here. And they brought Jacob from Egypt, and buried in the church in a large cave, and here they rest ... " The burial place of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph is known: this is a cave in Hebron. There is no island there.
In Greek, Fule is something extremely distant (like in Russian "to distant lands"). There was the island of Fule in the story of the voyage of Pytheas in the Baltic and North Seas. With a particle of denial ("a-"), some kind of nonsense comes out of this.
But when Adam died, the angels took his body and buried it in Jerusalem on the mountain. This mountain was called "The Navel of the Earth". That is the center of the earth. And later this mountain received the name Golgotha ​​and Christ was crucified on the grave of Adam. The mountain was known as ancient cemeteries and crucified robbers, and Christ was also considered to be such in cemeteries. Thus, Christ was crucified on the grave of Adam, and now, as a symbol of this, a skull with two bones is often depicted under the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Adam's bones.
in the same ancient chronicle we find that the Virgin Mary the Theotokos lived 72 years, at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ she was 48 years old.
All this can be found in the Hellenic and Roman annals of the 15th century.