The most budgetary vacation abroad, where, how and for how much? Where to have a cheap vacation abroad.

Scientists say that a good rest is the main guarantee of health. But what if the financial possibilities are small? Spend your free time at the cottage? Not necessary. A budget vacation is an absolutely real prospect, even abroad.

Abroad is attractive for our compatriot for several reasons: good service, the opportunity to see the world, profitable shopping, as well as a great opportunity to escape from the routine of everyday life. Therefore, for the last decade, Russo tourists have been selflessly exploring foreign countries. Russians even have favorite vacation spots in Asia, Europe and Africa.

Before starting any journey, you need to identify for yourself its main goal. In the concept of relaxation, some include blissful lying on the beach, others do not think of it without sightseeing, and the third - be sure to serve exotic. Depending on the goals you need
choose a place.

The most budget vacation abroad, where?
For many years, tours to Turkey, Egypt and Bulgaria have been considered the cheapest. Türkiye and Egypt attract beloved and comfortable all-inclusive.

Bulgaria has a mild climate and lower prices compared to the rest of Europe. But with the growth of popularity among tourists, the cost of holidays in these countries is also growing. Therefore, a more budget option would be a trip to Croatia, Montenegro, Romania and even the Baltic coast of Poland, where you can have a great rest in a nice hot summer.

Service, sea and nature here may not be too European, but up to the mark. There are plenty of sights to see, all kinds of monasteries, castles and picturesque ruins. The kitchen is excellent. Moderately original, but not causing an unforeseen reaction in the Slavic stomachs. You can also get to these countries by car.

Greece, Italy and Spain will also cost tourists less than the rest of Europe. Especially if you relax a little out of season and not in the most popular tourist centers. Experienced tourists claim that prices a couple of tens of kilometers from the resort area are an order of magnitude lower. That is, if you rent an apartment or a hotel room in a small town on the coast in Spain or Italy, the rest will be much cheaper. By the way, apartments with several bedrooms and a kitchen always cost less than a room.

In the Asian direction, you should pay attention to the resorts in Vietnam and Goa in India. The prices there are so low that if it were not for the road, holidays in these countries could be called the most budgetary. However, the flight is guaranteed to eat up a significant amount. Moreover, there are not so many charters in that direction and the cost of air tickets is still high.

Belonging to the dollar zone and low local prices have made the countries of Latin America very attractive for tourism. Argentina, Peru, Brazil, Cuba can boast of good ocean beaches, excellent, moderately exotic cuisine, and an interesting original culture. But here, too, you need to make an amendment to the road. She won't be cheap.

How to organize an inexpensive vacation abroad?
There are two main options here: either last-minute tours, or your own route, the search for cheap charter flights and budget accommodation.
Last-minute trips are a very good thing, but they have one significant drawback. They are burning for that, that it will not be possible to plan their purchase in advance. Therefore, you can use two proven ways to catch them.

The first is to track the offers of tour operators in the right direction using Internet resources. True, in this case, you need to have a loyal employer who can let you go on vacation at any time. The second method is suitable for large cities, where there are many travel agencies. First you need to pack your bags, and then go on a “hunt” for profitable tours through agencies. As a rule, within 2-3 days, some offer at bargain prices appears.

An independent trip is advisable only in the European resort and tourist areas. Knowledge of the language is desirable. Cheap flights can be found on special sites. In border areas, it will be more profitable to take buses to the Eurozone and fly from there. Housing can be found in advance on the Internet.

The lowest prices in different directions:
Egypt - from 11,000 rubles.
Greece - from 11,000 rubles.
Türkiye - from 14200 rubles.
Montenegro - from 8120 rubles.
Bulgaria - from 10150 rubles.
Romania - from 6000 rubles.
Croatia - from 17973 rubles.
Italy - from 15647 rubles.
Spain - from 16667 rubles.
Argentina - from 264,000 rubles.
Vietnam - from 35407 rubles.

And again, August is in the yard. Last weekend, it was a year since that black Saturday when the most dramatic bankruptcy in the history of the market was announced -. It was after the collapse of the "Labyrinth", which threw about 65,000 tourists, that the tourism business was greatly discredited. And the subsequent collapse of the ruble exchange rate called into question trips abroad for many Russians.

In the spring of 2015, the euro and dollar sank a little, and this gave optimism to both tourists and travel agents. The summer season of 2015 will be - under this slogan there was an early booking of tours for the summer. Russian tourists behaved differently: some waited until the last moment to see if the dollar and euro rates would fall even lower. Someone still booked tours in advance, but these were a clear minority.

Now, when more than half of the summer season of 2015 has already been left behind, in principle, we can sum up the first results of this summer.

So, where did the Russians go this year? And most importantly - how much?

Summer 2015: save money, but fly!

There were very few of those who refused to travel to the sea at all. This is the data of all surveys. Still, most Russians were not ready to exchange a deck chair on the beach for a hammock in the country. Of course, tours abroad were booked, while the trends were as follows:

1. We chose directions where all-inclusive meals predominate. That is why and are the most popular countries for Russian tourists this season. The governments of these countries have tried very hard to keep their regular customers - Russians, as well as to accept that part of the tourist flow that previously fell on more prestigious European destinations.In particular, tourists who preferred Greek and Spanish beaches went to these countries to relax.

However, to call the rest in these countries in the summer of 2015. inexpensive language will not turn: the average check for a 4-5 * hotel for a week cost a family of three (2 adults + 1 child) was in the region of 80,000-90,000 rubles. Last year it was possible to fly to a similar tour for 50,000-60,000 rubles.

Therefore, the following trend became noticeable: people either reduced the number of days on vacation, or reduced the level of their claims on the star rating of the hotel - they went to “three rubles”, which they would not have even looked at before.

2. Traveling around Europe has become very expensive: after all, when booking hotels in European resorts, you get only breakfast at the hotel, well, the maximum is breakfast and dinner. And you always want to eat, right? And it is also desirable to see something other than the number of your own hotel, agree? And here, as they say, our every whim for your money. A lot of money at the current rate. The cost of a weekly tour of one person to France or Italy now starts from 50,000 rubles per person. That is, in terms of the same family of 2 adults + 1 child, this already turns out to be at least 130-140 thousand rubles.

My dear Europe!

3. And the main tourist trend of 2015 was unprecedented growth of domestic tourism , which was already noticeable in the spring, and now - in the summer - is breaking all records. When choosing destinations for summer holidays, the Russians showed amazing unanimity when they began to massively choose tickets to Simferopol, Sochi, Krasnodar, Mineralnye Vody. According to the momondo system, the growth in search queries for tickets to Adler was 89%, to Mineralnye Vody - 126%, to Anapa - 150%. Demand for Simferopol increased the most - 6 times.

It is visible, I want to tell you, I have been living for the third month in the resort city of Sochi. There is nowhere for an apple to fall on local beaches. All more or less just teeming with tourists. Planes over Adler come in to land every two minutes.

And at the Rosa Khutor resort, where even last summer they didn’t know how to recoup the colossal costs of infrastructure built for the Olympics, this summer there are whole queues for the lift!

With what impressions our tourists return from different places of rest, time will tell. Well, friends, you can follow the latest trends in tourism with me by leaving your details in the form below.

Hello, friends! Economic troubles, falling incomes and the desire to save money have undoubtedly reduced the number of people who want to go on vacation abroad.

But this is not a reason to completely abandon such trips and stay at home. Yes, and statistics (data from VTsIOM) confirm that, in spite of everything, the number of Russians who would like to stay at home is steadily decreasing every year. For example, in 2004 there were 59% of such people, and this year - 40%.

Of course, the most desirable form of recreation is still a trip abroad. And, as noted in the results of the VTsIOM poll, which was conducted in May this year, if there were opportunities, 27% of respondents would go abroad this summer (in fact, only 6% plan to do this).

However, from a variety of options, you can choose directions that are affordable for us and geographically closer. In addition, you can reduce costs by reducing the number of days you stay or choose cheaper accommodation to stay.

Do not ignore such a way of saving as. Moreover, we have an excellent assistant in this difficult task - the Internet, where you can purchase all travel services, find information about sights, routes and excursions.

Going to Europe, we most often choose short-term trips. At the same time, many travel agencies note that, in general, the demand for foreign travel among Russians has increased markedly, and among the resorts that are in demand by our tourists, the share of inexpensive cities has increased.

According to the analytical portal Price of Travel, Bucharest (Romania), Sofia (Bulgaria), the cozy Czech town of Cesky Krumlov and Budapest (Hungary), as well as cities and resorts in Poland, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro, were among the cheapest cities for holidays. . research also confirms that the cheapest destinations this summer will be Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria, where hotel accommodation will cost tourists less than $50 per day.


For an economical trip to Poland, it is better to choose not Warsaw, but old Krakow.

In Old Krakow, on the largest medieval square in Europe, all the main sights of the city are concentrated: St. Mary's Church in the Gothic style, a monument to the greatest Polish poet Mickiewicz, the building of the Cloth Rows.

In the 70-meter massive tower (this is what remains of the city hall), a steep staircase has been preserved, climbing to the very top you can admire the city from above.

Flight from Moscow to Krakow - from 4 hours (with transfers).


Holidays in Budapest, the most beautiful city in Europe, will be affordable for many. For a few days you can rent an excellent apartment for little money. Food in this country is tasty and inexpensive. Partly because the euro does not go in Hungary, and when converting the local currency (forints) into rubles, it turns out not so expensive. After admiring the beauties of Budapest, you can go to Lake Heviz with healing water from thermal springs and a comfortable temperature all year round (even in winter the water temperature does not drop below +26°C, and in summer - +33°C).

Flight from Moscow to Budapest - from 2.5 hours.


It is always surprisingly cozy in the sunny, warm and calm Bay of Kotor with many small old museum towns with beautiful churches and buildings.

Small amazing Perast, Kotor, surrounded by a massive fortress wall, Herceg Novi, Risan, Tivat - all these are tourist centers located on the banks of several bays, which are interconnected by small channels.

Flight from Moscow to Tivat - from 3 hours.


If you want to visit Turkey without going there, visit the capital of Macedonia - the city of Skopje. The city for a long time (more than 5 centuries) was part of the Ottoman Empire. And, perhaps, that is why in Skopje ancient and modern, European and Eastern are surprisingly intertwined. The old part of the city is somewhat reminiscent of Istanbul: domes of mosques, minarets, caravanserais, oriental bazaars and baths are everywhere. And at the same time, there is a 66-meter Millennium Cross on Mount Krstovar nearby, erected in honor of the adoption of Christianity.

Flight to Skopje from Moscow - about 5 hours with a transfer.


The least expensive will be rest in the Baltic countries, especially in Vilnius. There are enough attractions in the city to stay in it for a few days.

But there is another wonderful place 25 km from the capital of Lithuania - the town of Trakai, which was once the capital of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Partially destroyed in the 17th century, but completely restored in the 20th century, the Gothic-style Trakai Castle attracts many tourists.

Getting from Moscow to Vilnius is not difficult at all - 800 kilometers can be covered by plane in 1.5 hours.


Rest in Riga will cost a little more. Walking along the narrow medieval streets and the historical center of the Latvian capital, free from public transport, will bring real pleasure to lovers of ancient cathedrals, architecture, gatherings in cozy cafes with fragrant pastries and hot chocolate.

To Riga from Moscow, the distance can be overcome in 1.5 hours by plane.


A short flight - and you are on the main square of the city with a Gothic town hall (by the way, the only one preserved in Europe in this style).

From Moscow to Tallinn, as well as to Vilnius and Riga, can be reached by plane in 1.5 hours.

Inexpensive holidays in the CIS countries

According to the booking of hotels in the CIS countries for the summer by independent Russian travelers (the rating was compiled by the portal), Minsk, Baku, Yerevan, Alma-Ata and Astana, Chisinau, Kiev, Odessa and Bishkek turned out to be the most popular. Tbilisi and Batumi (Georgia is not part of the CIS) are also popular destinations today. The studies note that the average cost of living in these cities will be 3,000 rubles per day (with a vacation duration of 4 days). Approximately the same amount is spent on average.


A huge number of castles of the 15th-17th centuries are located throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus. And getting to know them is an opportunity to get to know Western European culture, architecture and art better, without leaving far from home and practically without crossing the border (since it simply does not exist). Our tourists like to visit Belovezhskaya Pushcha. And from the castles - Nesvizh Castle in the city of Nesvizh. This is one of the well-preserved, despite numerous sieges, palace and castle complexes of the 16th century.

Getting to Belarus is very easy. The distance from Moscow to Minsk is 680 km, the flight time is 1 hour 20 minutes. Or you can go by car (it’s even more convenient to move from one castle to another).


For lovers of sightseeing holidays, Armenia is a worthy replacement for the Czech Republic, which has become not accessible to everyone, with its famous castles and palaces.

This is a stunningly beautiful country with many of the oldest monastic and temple complexes, the longest cable car on the planet and the wonderful Lake Sevan. And all this at prices that practically do not differ from Russian ones.

The distance to Yerevan from Moscow can be overcome by plane in about 3 hours.


It is a good idea to visit this hospitable country, slightly forgotten by Russian tourists. The country is so compact that it can be traveled far and wide and see the sights in just a few days. You can spend time on the beaches of Batumi, wander through the streets of the Georgian capital, or climb to the top of the Trialeti Range to the Narikala Fortress, which towers over old Tbilisi.

The travel time to Tbilisi from Moscow is from 2.5 hours by plane.

Have a great holiday! And for now...

I chose the list of countries for potential travel at my discretion. I prefer independent travel and therefore Egypt and Turkey are not on my list. In addition, such an analysis is not very suitable for them, because they do not travel to these countries on their own very often, and I don’t want to consider tour packages from our companies.
Now, in general, the network is full of articles on the topic that the demand for Russian tourism has grown by 30-50% ... Russians have stopped going on vacation abroad. In 2015, Russians will not go on vacation abroad, etc., etc. And where will they go? .. In life, there is such a very bad thing, a habit is called. If you are already accustomed to going on vacation to the sea in Italy or spending your vacation wandering through the narrow streets, then it is unlikely that you can easily switch to Anapa or the Golden Ring of Russia right away. I do not want to say that it is so bad here, but it is so great there. It’s just that sometimes the conditions for rest in our country and abroad are different, but, alas, the prices for holidays abroad have already begun to bite ...

Venice - September 2013

Where to go on vacation in 2015 with the depreciation of the ruble

So, as I promised, my article will be more analytical. From the Internet, I collected statistics on the change in the exchange rate against the ruble of various tourist fears of the world, in order to see how much the cost of holidays abroad has risen?

As can be seen from the graph, the spread is quite large. On average, the currencies of European countries grew by 33%, by 50% - by Great Britain and Australia, by 70% - by the USA and the countries of Southeast Asia.
My analysis would not be quite complete if I did not outline the criteria for the cost of holidays for the countries under evaluation. Here my assessment will be of course subjective. If possible, those who wish can correct me and express their opinion in the comments to the article.

Where to relax cheaply in 2015

I managed to visit most of the countries from the list personally, but I would like to visit others and sometimes I was just interested in the prices and availability of travel to them from the reports of other travelers. The amount of expenses was calculated for 10-11 days of travel, as the most average vacation, which is usually taken at work.

Average vacation costs for 2 people, rub
Holiday countries/cityAir ticketsHousingFoodTotal
Russia and CIS
Black Sea resorts18000 30000 25000 73000
Baikal30000 40000 30000 100000
Altai28000 30000 25000 83000
Kamchatka56000 35000 25000 116000
Crimea12000 25000 20000 57000
Saint Petersburg12000 30000 30000 72000
Moscow16000 40000 35000 91000
Eastern Europe
Bulgaria36000 15000 22200 73200
Poland24000 18000 26000 68000
Hungary18000 20000 32500 70500
Czech28000 22000 32500 82500
Western Europe
Germany20000 25000 35750 80750
Spain16000 22750 39000 77750
Italy14000 35750 45500 95250
Austria20000 26000 52000 98000
France26000 35750 52000 113750
Holland26000 35750 52000 113750
Switzerland28000 45500 65000 138500
Norway24000 58500 71500 154000
Great Britain16000 65000 71500 152500
Cambodia70000 18000 18000 106000
Vietnam52000 30000 24000 106000
India44000 30000 24000 98000
Philippines76000 30000 33000 139000
Thailand66000 33000 36000 135000
China44000 36000 36000 116000
Malaysia66000 36000 36000 138000
Indonesia66000 36000 33000 135000
North America
USA50000 60000 39000 149000
Mexico70000 48000 36000 154000
Cuba70000 45000 36000 151000
South America
Brazil90000 42000 36000 168000
Argentina100000 42000 36000 178000
Peru130000 27000 24000 181000
Bolivia130000 27000 24000 181000
Chile130000 42000 36000 208000
Australia and Oceania
Australia110000 54000 42000 206000
New Zealand140000 54000 42000 236000
Maldives90000 54000 54000 198000

So, it turned out that you can have an inexpensive vacation in the countries of Eastern Europe, the Crimea and our Black Sea resorts. Holidays in Western Europe are estimated on average above 100,000 rubles for a 10-day trip. At the same time, the countries of Southeast Asia have indeed become much more expensive, and at the current ruble exchange rate, they turned out to be even higher than Western Europe. Here I will make a small caveat. To calculate the cost of travel, I took our style of travel. If you rent very inexpensive guest houses, eat only local cuisine and go out of season, then probably the cost of the trip can be 20% lower. It should also not be forgotten that I took the most necessary and large travel expenses, but there are also expenses for internal transport, attractions, souvenirs,. So, the prices given in the table are far from final. This must be kept in mind!
The countries of North and South America, as well as Australia and Oceania stand apart. These directions were not cheap before, but now, with the weakening of the ruble, they have also grown in price. Actually, the general trend is that travel has become much more expensive in those countries where there is a large dependence on the dollar. Also expensive for Russian tourists and trips to the UK, Norway and Switzerland. Although, if you look at the chart, it is the Norwegian krone that grew the least against the ruble. Simply, Norway is the country with the highest standard of living in Europe and traveling to the Fjords has never been cheap.

Lucerne, Switzerland
