Three day diet Three-day diet The most effective diet for 3 days reviews

Formally, any diet for 3 days belongs to the category of express diets (or, more simply, diets for quick weight loss), but in fact it is just a series of fasting days. It is important to understand that such rapid weight loss is a rather illusory phenomenon. Namely: it is impossible to lose a few kg of excess weight in 3 days due to the burning of body fat - alas, but all your fats will remain with you. Weight loss will occur mainly due to the removal of excess fluid from the body and the so-called "food garbage" in the language of nutritionists - toxins, remnants of poorly digested food, etc. However, a 3-day diet will do its job - it will help you fit into your favorite dress and raise self-esteem. But no more!

As a rule, a diet for 3 days prescribes to use one of three mono-products every day: for example, the first day - only apples (2-3 pieces, no more), on the second - boiled chicken breast, on the third - fresh cucumbers ... But if your willpower and health allow you to calmly hold out for all 3 days on one single product, then such a "diet" is even more preferable.

The essence of the diet for 3 days

The 3-Day Diet - short term and relatively rigid - is a way to lose a few pounds in a minimum amount of time. How much - depends on the initial weight. As a rule, the fatter a person is, the more kg goes away.

Most often, short ones are resorted to in cases where it is urgent to get prettier and build up for some event, for example, a wedding or vacation. differs from more serious and long-term weight loss systems, and even more so from the fact that it creates an acute deficiency of a number of nutrients, due to which a certain failure occurs. It is worth remembering that rapid weight loss due to a rigid (albeit short) diet is always a serious blow to health. And this means that for people with any chronic diseases, a diet for 3 days (being just strict, tough and extremely unbalanced) is clearly contraindicated.

So how to lose weight in 3 days? By and large, a 3-day diet can be made up by combining three, which are carried out in mono mode (one day - one product). For example: the first day -, the second day - on lean chicken meat, the third day - on fresh cucumbers. In total, such an unloading trio can be reflected in the loss of 2-5 kg.

However, if at the end of such a three-day weight loss you abruptly return to your previous diet, the “yo-yo” effect (when the lost kilograms and centimeters return back) will overtake you just as quickly - in a matter of days. You should go out gradually and wisely: as long as possible after the end of the diet for 3 days, you should maintain a “fasting regimen” - do not eat sweet and fatty foods, avoid fried foods and convenience foods, have dinner 3 hours before bedtime.

If the idea of ​​eating one food all day is not to your liking, you can use another menu. For example:

How to lose weight in 3 days: a "varied" menu

Day 1

  • Breakfast: tea or coffee without sugar, half a grapefruit (be sure to eat whole slices, including hard partitions) and 1 whole grain toast with a slice of cheese.
  • Lunch: 1 toast with canned tuna in its own juice, tea or without sugar.
  • Dinner: 100g boiled chicken, a cup of boiled beans, grated raw carrots, 1 tbsp. sour cream no more than 10% fat (all without salt).

Day 2

  • Breakfast: tea or coffee without sugar, 1 whole grain toast, 1 boiled egg and half a grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 1 cup cottage cheese with a fat content of up to 4%, a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and leafy greens, seasoned with 1 tsp. olive oil (but without salt).
  • Dinner: 200g boiled beef without salt, 100g boiled broccoli, half a cup of grated fresh carrots, half a grapefruit.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: tea or coffee without sugar, 2 whole grain toasts, a piece of cheese about 50 g, an hour later - one green apple.
  • Lunch: tea or coffee without sugar, 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of boiled chicken breast.
  • Dinner: half a cup of grated raw carrots, 100 g of boiled low-fat fish, an hour later - grapefruit.

Plus, every day you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water without gas. Moreover, the first glass should be drunk warm and 20 minutes before breakfast.

A fairly common question is why drink such an extreme amount of water during a diet? The answer is simple: as you know from the lessons of chemistry and biology, any metabolic processes in the body occur in the aquatic environment, and if there is enough water in the human body, then the metabolism accelerates: food is well absorbed, fats are not deposited, toxins and unused food breakdown products are completely removed . So the first answer to the question - how to lose weight in just 3 days - will definitely be the answer: drink enough water.

It is highly advisable before starting any diet, including this diet for 3 days, to consult with a nutritionist or treating therapist.

A 3-day diet does not help you lose weight for a long time and does not teach you how to eat right, unlike cruel diets for several weeks. A short diet is the best option if you need to quickly lose weight. An indispensable system before the holidays or important meetings, when you want to look slimmer.

The essence of diets for 3 days minus 3 kg

Three-day diets are an extended fasting day. Basically, you will lose excess water - the cause of edema and bloating, perhaps the loss of a small amount of fat.

The effect of such nutrition is a sharp reduction in the calorie content of the menu and the use of one product.

General principles

  • Reducing the calorie content of the menu. The cause of excess weight is imperceptible daily overeating. As a result, the body cannot use all the calories received and stores them as fat.
  • Mono diet. The products are selected so that you experience less hunger and help your body get rid of excess.
  • Variety on the menu. You will eat the same foods all 3 days, but there are many options for express diet - you can choose the one that suits your taste.

How to lose 3 kg in 3 days?

Minus 3 kilograms of weight in 3 days is an impressive result. For the diet to be successful, and you can be proud of the result, adhere to the following rules:

  • Eating only permitted food in a minimal amount. It is recommended not to reduce the diet by less than 1000 calories - this amount is required for the functioning of internal organs.
  • Drink no less than 2 liters of water per day. Water prevents dehydration, helps maintain a metabolic rate and dulls the feeling of hunger.
  • It is worth giving up heavy physical exertion. In a normal situation, sports help to lose weight, but in a calorie-poor menu, the body, on the contrary, will save energy (and with it fat). It is better to choose walks in the fresh air, at least 20 minutes a day.
  • Give up salt and sugar, as well as their analogues. Sweeteners are also prohibited; spices can be used in cooking.

Drink 1 glass of warm water half an hour before breakfast. During the night, the body spent water, it needs to be returned. Water also speeds up metabolic processes, reduces the risk of stool problems common with strict diets.

Kefir diet for 3 days

It is allowed to drink 1.5 liters of kefir daily. Fat content does not matter, choose the kefir that you like. The diet is very effective, but tough, hungry - not everyone can stand it.

The advantage of the diet: bifidobacteria, which are found in kefir, help the body cleanse itself, nourish it with beneficial bacteria.

The kefir diet menu is monotonous, the days are similar to each other. The diet should consist of kefir and water.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast:

Dinner: 500 ml kefir

Afternoon snack: 300 ml kefir


2 Breakfast: 400 ml of kefir, you can add cinnamon

Dinner: 500 ml kefir

Afternoon snack: 300 ml kefir

Dinner: 300 ml of kefir, you can add dried herbs, such as dill

3 Breakfast: 400 ml of kefir, you can add cinnamon

Dinner: 500 ml kefir

Afternoon snack: 300 ml kefir

Dinner: 300 ml of kefir, you can add dried herbs, such as dill

Buckwheat diet for 3 days

For this diet, there is a special recipe for making buckwheat porridge:

  • In the evening, the cereal should be poured with hot water at the rate of 1 cup of buckwheat per 2 cups of water and closed with a lid (this is best done in a saucepan with thick walls to keep warm).
  • During the night, buckwheat will turn into crumbly porridge, which must be eaten during the day.

In just a day, you should eat 150-200 g of buckwheat (in dry form). It is recommended to start with a minimum, 150 g, and increase a little if you get really hungry. Porridge should be eaten in equal portions: you should not skip breakfast, but at dinner, wrap a huge plate of buckwheat.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast: portion of buckwheat, coffee without additives

Dinner: porridge from buckwheat

Afternoon snack: green or mint tea

Dinner:buckwheat porridge, you can add dried dill

2 Breakfast:buckwheat porridge, black coffee (cinnamon can be added)

Dinner:portion of buckwheat

Afternoon snack: green tea without additives

Dinner: portion of buckwheat

3 Breakfast:bowl of buckwheat porridge, coffee

Dinner:buckwheat porridge, you can add 1 tablespoon of “light” soy sauce (it has less salt)

Afternoon snack: green tea without sugar

Dinner: portion of buckwheat

apple diet for 3 days

A strict diet option includes 2 products: 1.5 kg of apples, which must be eaten in 3-4 meals, and drinking water.

Due to the fact that eating apples causes problems for people with gastrointestinal diseases, nutritionists recommend eating fruits not in their pure form, but mashing them or baking them in the oven.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast:baked apples with cinnamon, black coffee

Dinner: fresh apples

Afternoon snack: 2 medium sized apples

Dinner: fresh apples, sliced ​​and sprinkled with cinnamon (optional)

2 Breakfast:fresh apples, coffee

Dinner:homemade applesauce (you can use natural baby puree: it is comparable to apples in terms of calories)

Afternoon snack: herbal or green tea

Dinner: baked apples

3 Breakfast:applesauce, plain coffee

Dinner: fresh apples

Afternoon snack: 1 baked apple, green tea

Dinner: fresh apples

Rice diet for 3 days

For this diet, you should boil 1 cup of rice. The resulting rice porridge (or crumbly rice, depending on the variety), should be divided into 3-4 equal portions and eat throughout the day, in small portions.

You can use both regular white rice and brown rice - it has more fiber, it keeps you feeling full and cleanses the stomach.

You do not need to add salt and spices to rice, but if dieting is very difficult, you should add dry herbs and light soy sauce (with reduced salt content) to the menu.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast:a serving of rice, a cup of green tea

Dinner:a bowl of rice (you can add soy sauce)

Afternoon snack: green and mint tea without sugar

Dinner: rice

2 Breakfast:a bowl of rice, a cup of mint tea (helps remove fluid from the body)

Dinner:brown rice with dried dill (1 tsp)

Afternoon snack: glass of green tea

Dinner: portion of rice

3 Breakfast: brown rice, coffee without sugar and milk

Dinner: a bowl of rice, you can add 1 tbsp. light soy sauce

Afternoon snack: a cup of green tea

Dinner: portion of rice

Chocolate diet for 3 days

The chocolate diet is suitable for those with a sweet tooth. Every day you will eat 100 g of chocolate.

However, it is only a matter of calories, so this three-day diet can be carried out with milk chocolate (as well as chocolates and bars).

Rule one: eat exactly 100 grams of chocolate.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast:chocolate bar (50 g), black coffee without sugar

Dinner:strip of chocolate (20 g)

Afternoon snack: 1 chocolate candy (10 g), green tea

Dinner: strip of chocolate (20 g)

2 Breakfast:dark chocolate strip (20 g), black coffee without sugar

Dinner:3 chocolates (30 g)

Afternoon snack: green tea

Dinner: chocolate bar (50 g)

3 Breakfast:2 chocolates (20 g), americano

Dinner:dark chocolate strip (20 g)

Afternoon snack: milk chocolate strip (20 g), green tea

Dinner: 2 strips of dark chocolate (40 g)

Banana diet for 3 days

Losing weight on bananas will be useful for those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Bananas help to remove excess fluid from the body, while enveloping the stomach and not irritating its walls.

The diet of the three-day banana diet is 1.5 kg of fresh and cooked bananas. This is about 10 small bananas, or 5 large ones.

For a diet, it is better to choose evenly yellow fruits, small brown spots are allowed. Green bananas should not be eaten - they are high in starch and can cause bloating and gas.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast: 1 fresh banana, a cup of coffee

Dinner: 2 fresh bananas

Afternoon snack: 1 fresh banana

Dinner:1 banana baked in the oven

2 Breakfast:1 banana, fried in slices in a pan without oil

Dinner: 2 fresh bananas

Afternoon snack: 1 banana baked in the oven

Dinner: 1 fresh banana

3 Breakfast: 2 fresh bananas

Dinner:1 baked banana

Afternoon snack: 1 fresh banana

Dinner: banana ice cream (cut banana into slices, mash and freeze)

Fruit diet for 3 days

A fruit diet is one of the most gentle types of detox. By following a fruit diet, you will receive a large amount of vitamins and minerals daily.

Fruits can be eaten both raw and cooked.

Avocados and tomatoes are botanically classified as fruits - you can treat yourself to a few fresh salads. In just a day, you can eat 1.5 kg of fruit.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Drinking diet for 3 days

The essence of the drinking diet is that you should only consume drinks.

At the same time, the menu is not limited: you can drink vegetable and meat broths, smoothies and freshly squeezed juices, milk drinks (fat content not more than 1.5% and without additives).

It is better to refuse purchased juices and takeaway drinks, their composition is often unknown. You can drink tea and coffee - with milk, but without syrups or sugar. Nutritionists recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of liquids per day, not including water.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast:banana smoothie with berries and milk 1.5% fat

Dinner:chicken breast broth

Afternoon snack: freshly squeezed juice from two grapefruits

Dinner: a glass of kefir 1% fat

2 Breakfast: coffee with milk

Dinner:juice from vegetables and fruits (cucumber, apple, celery)

Afternoon snack: natural drinking yoghurt

Dinner: vegetable broth (cabbage, carrot, onion broth is suitable)

3 Breakfast:juice freshly squeezed from oranges

Dinner:chicken broth

Afternoon snack: a glass of yogurt

Dinner: vegetable smoothie (spinach, banana, cucumber)

Oatmeal diet for 3 days

Cleansing diet: due to the abundance of fiber in oatmeal, three days on oatmeal cleanse the body.

Oatmeal helps the body get rid of cholesterol, lowers blood sugar levels. Since oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate, a person does not suffer from hunger during a diet.

Every day you need to eat 1.5 cups of hercules (in dry form). It is not allowed to add spices and sweeteners.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast:thick oatmeal, black coffee

Dinner:oatmeal "soup" (very thin oatmeal)

Afternoon snack: Mint tea

Dinner: baked oatmeal (put the finished porridge in a mold, bake until a crust forms)

2 Breakfast:baked oatmeal, americano

Dinner: oatmeal

Afternoon snack: bowl of oatmeal soup

Dinner: oatmeal

3 Breakfast:oatmeal, black coffee without sugar and additives

Dinner:baked oatmeal

Afternoon snack: herbal or green tea without additives

Dinner: oatmeal

Express diet for 3 days

This diet is also known as "The Bride's Diet"- girls getting married used it to get in shape before the big day.

From the diets listed above, the express diet for 3 days differs in diversity in the diet and a large amount of protein foods.


Sample menu for 3 days:

Day Menu
1 Breakfast:cocoa (add a spoonful of sugar-free cocoa and a teaspoon of natural honey to warm milk)

Dinner: chicken breast - boiled, eat 200 g, supplemented with fresh vegetable salad (with a teaspoon of olive oil)

Afternoon snack: plain yoghurt 1.5-2% fat (250 ml)

Dinner: prepare 1.5 liters of vegetable broth - from onions, carrots and tomatoes. You can drink any amount of this broth

2 Breakfast:kefir 1.5% fat (250 ml)

Dinner:vegetable broth (the recipe is the same as on the first day)

Afternoon snack: freshly squeezed juice of two grapefruits (remove the white skin to beat off the acid)

Dinner: bake fish or turkey fillet (300 g) in the oven, top with fresh vegetable salad

3 Breakfast:cocoa (warm milk + 1 tbsp cocoa without sugar + 1 tsp honey)

Dinner:cottage cheese 2% fat (150 g, you can add 1 tsp honey), kefir 1.5% fat (250 ml)

Afternoon snack:½ orange

Dinner: steam turkey fillet (300 g), top with fresh vegetable salad, no dressing


All short-term diets are strict, require endurance, as well as good health.

Express diets are not suitable for those who:

  • is carrying a child or breastfeeding;
  • has gastrointestinal diseases (they are recommended only a banana diet);
  • recovering from illness or surgery;
  • already following a diet prescribed by a doctor;
  • began to follow a diet, but feels severe weakness, pain in the abdomen.

Diets for 3 days allow you to lose minus 3 kg, but in reality the results will vary. It depends on how strictly you follow the menu, whether you actively move, the amount of excess weight. Remember that a positive attitude increases the effectiveness of the diet, and choose the menu to your liking.

At which you can lose a significant amount of kilograms in a short time?

How are things

The Internet is now full of all sorts of options on how to lose weight, "just drinking a glass at night ..", or something like that, but in fact, in order to lose weight, you need endurance and willpower. But the question is: is it necessary to starve yourself or throw away your favorite, but forbidden, foods, sitting on a particular diet for two or three months? Is there any way to shorten this period?

The answer is you can. This is what all food systems that fit the definition for 3 days are designed for.

jockey diet

How many kilos can you drop? Three to five.

Diet menu: on the first day, eat only one, baked without salt, chicken without skin. It is recommended to divide it into three meals. On the second day, we eat three hundred grams of unsalted veal (also one hundred grams for breakfast, lunch and dinner). The third day of drinking. Up to five servings of black coffee are allowed (without milk and especially without sugar).

This is exceptional. It allows you to quickly and effectively lose weight. Thanks to it, you can at the same time strengthen the muscular system.

Vegetarian diet

You can lose up to three kilograms in three days of diet.

Nutrition scheme: the first and last (third) day we eat vegetables, the second - fruits. During vegetable day for breakfast, four baked tomatoes and vegetable juice, coffee or tea with lemon (drinks without sugar). For lunch, a choice of either cucumber salad (from cucumbers and green onions) or green salad. The drinks are the same. We have dinner with stewed or boiled vegetables (cabbage, spinach and a little lemon juice). We drink tea with lemon.

During the fruit day, we have an apple, orange and grapefruit salad for breakfast. We have lunch and dinner with melon halves and the remaining salad. You can also have coffee or tea with lemon for breakfast. Thanks to the nutrition of low-calorie vegetables and fruits, this 3-day diet is effective. Reviews are mostly rave. For those who are not used to denying themselves meat, it will be hard. After all, the body will require protein. But for vegetarians, this is the perfect diet!

Express diet "Three for three"

A quick and effective diet for 3 days gives results of three kilograms - a fairly good result, given that this technique is used when you need to urgently put your figure in order, and not if you decide to seriously "take care of yourself."

First day menu

500 ml of plain non-carbonated water should be drunk immediately after waking up. This will set up the body in general and the digestive system in particular for beneficial work. It also prevents you from overeating at breakfast. We will have breakfast with a glass of milk. In it, to your taste, add either a spoonful of honey or a spoonful of cocoa.

After a few hours, you need to have a grapefruit snack. After a few more - have lunch with 200 grams of boiled chicken breast and a salad of fresh vegetables, which can be seasoned with a spoonful of olive oil.

A quarter of a liter for a snack and as much as you like (read: as much as you like, or as much as you want) vegetable broth for dinner. It is prepared as follows: in proportion to one and a half liters of water, you need to take a pound of carrots and the same number of tomatoes, as well as one onion. Everyone adds spices to their taste, but salt is not allowed. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of fat-free kefir.

Second day menu

And again, immediately after waking up, we drink water. We have breakfast with a glass of kefir, after a couple of hours we have a snack with one hundred and fifty grams or one hundred milliliters of low-fat sour cream (your choice). We have lunch with vegetable broth (according to the same recipe as for dinner on the first day). We eat for pleasure.

For a snack we make grapefruit juice. It will require two fruits and a juicer.

For dinner - two hundred grams of either boiled turkey or fish baked in the oven. Add vegetable salad to this.

Menu of the third day

Traditionally, we drink water immediately after waking up. Breakfast is similar to the breakfast of the first day - a glass of milk with a spoonful of cocoa or honey. We remain without a snack and after a few hours we have lunch with one hundred and fifty grams of low-fat cottage cheese or a similar amount of low-fat yogurt, you can add a little honey to the products, drink a glass of kefir.

There is no snacking again (the third day could be called tougher than the rest, but at the same time it benefits from more hearty breakfasts / dinners).

We have dinner with a vegetable salad in the amount of three hundred grams (you can’t season with anything) or steamed turkey fillet (two hundred grams).

Diet on fermented baked milk with fruits

How much can you lose for a three-day diet: at least five kilograms.

Diet menu: ryazhenka becomes the basis of the diet. If this is your favorite fermented milk product, then such a nutrition system is almost perfect. The menu also includes dietary, lean meats and fruits/vegetables. So fruit effective diets for 3 days may well rank this diet as "their own". The power scheme is three times a day.

First day

We have breakfast with cold fermented baked milk (a serving of one hundred milliliters is half a faceted glass) and a medium-sized apple (about seven centimeters in diameter = two hundred grams).

For lunch, we make delicious kiwi, strawberries and pineapple with the expectation that the total amount will be one hundred grams, half a glass of fermented baked milk serves as a dressing.

We have dinner with meat - chicken, turkey or rabbit, to choose from - in the amount of 100 g. To this we add a vegetable salad from any low-calorie vegetables - cabbage or carrots (or both), tomatoes, cucumbers, beetroot. It should also be only one hundred grams (the standard portion for this diet). You can top it with lemon juice.

Before going to bed, drink another portion of warm fermented baked milk.

Second day

For breakfast, ryazhenka + any porridge (not semolina!), All for a hundred grams.

We have lunch with yesterday's salad - 200 grams.

We have dinner with 150 grams of dietary meat and cabbage salad (one hundred grams).

Before going to bed, warm ryazhenka again (in a standard portion, as well as for breakfast).

The third day

Breakfast consists of fermented baked milk made from three slices of watermelon or fruit salad (apples + pineapple + kiwi = 200 grams).

For lunch, again fermented baked milk and another salad, but this time with fruits such as pineapple, strawberries, kiwi and banana. For servings, the requirements are the same.

We have dinner with low-fat, oven-baked fish (150 grams) and one hundred grams of cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice.

Before going to bed, we make a cocktail of fermented baked milk and fresh berries (only 200 milliliters, one to one proportions).

Most effective diets require long-term restriction of oneself in nutrition and sports activities. Keeping your body in good shape is a difficult and responsible job that takes a lot of time. But there are situations when you need to urgently reduce weight: fit into the best dress, prepare for the first trip to the sea, etc.

When time is already very short, it is useless to urgently buy an exercise bike and a yoga subscription. More serious measures need to be taken. For example, diets for 3 days for fast weight loss.

For such situations, express diets have been developed, three-day systems that help to lose weight very quickly. They cannot be used too often, but at the most critical moments, like a fairy godmother's wand, they can transform you almost instantly.

How to lose weight in 3 days

There are a lot of diets for a period of 3 days, you just need to choose the one that you like best - for example, consisting of your favorite foods.

For all these diets there are general rules. If you do not follow them, nothing will come of it, so be careful.

  • You need to drink properly. On the first day, try to drink 3 liters of water. In the second - 2 liters, in the third only one;
  • In no case do not allow yourself harmful delicacies, such as sweets, smoked meats, marinades and the like;
  • Try to eat less salt.
  • Move more.
  • You should receive no more than 1000 kcal per day, no matter what diet you choose.
  • Get out of the diet gradually. In the early days, eat light broths and cereals, do not lean on goodies, even if you get to a feast - this can lead to serious indigestion.
  • Products for a mono-diet are selected based on their special properties, so you cannot replace them at will.

These diets are designed for 3-5 kg. This is a slight change in size, allowing you to button up clothes that you have recently “grown out” or feel more confident in a swimsuit. It is impossible to count on a greater plumb line - it would be unnatural and very harmful to health.

We have prepared several mono-diets for you. The peculiarity of such diets is that for all 3 days a person must eat one product, in addition to which auxiliary ones are sometimes allowed. You can't hold on to them for long. The extreme diet for 3 days works well, but the body will not receive all the necessary substances. For only 3 days, it will easily last, and if you tighten such a diet, your health will worsen.

Be sure to follow not only the menu restrictions for 3 days of the diet, but also the time recommended for its implementation.

Kefir diet for three days

The most famous version of the express diet is kefir. Kefir is a very light product, while it saturates the body well and dulls the feeling of hunger.

There are 4 types of kefir diet:

  1. All 3 days you can eat only fat-free kefir. Its quantity is not limited, but absolutely nothing can be added to kefir.
  2. Every day you need to drink a liter of kefir and eat a kilogram of sour apples.
  3. Make 4-5 meals a day, but each meal should consist of only 1 glass of kefir with the juice of half a lemon. Nothing else to eat for three days.
  4. Strictly three times a day, eat a small plate of vegetable salad without oil (vegetables that do not contain starch, raw), whole grain bread with a slice of low-fat cheese (not Adyghe) and a glass of low-fat kefir. Between meals, drink another glass of kefir twice a day.

Oatmeal diet for three days

Oatmeal is a famous food featured in hundreds of diets. It perfectly cleanses the body, removes toxins and poisons and does not allow you to suffer from hunger.

Here is an option on how to use oatmeal for quick weight loss.

  • Do not use instant oatmeal - only large oatmeal that needs to be boiled.
  • Cook porridge for 5-7 minutes, even if the instructions say more. Otherwise, valuable fiber for us will begin to break down.
  • Boil hercules in water, without sugar. Before turning off the heat, add ground ginger and cinnamon to the porridge, a quarter teaspoon per serving.
  • For a day, make 3-4 meals, a small bowl of porridge. In addition to her, it is allowed to eat one not sweet apple and one grapefruit per day. You can drink tea without sugar.

Diet on buckwheat for 3 days

Buckwheat contains fiber, which improves bowel function and removes toxins. In addition, it contains many important trace elements that the body needs so much and which it usually receives less during express diets.

Here's how to lose weight with this buckwheat diet for 3 days:

  • Pour about a glass of dry buckwheat with water overnight so that all the cereal is submerged by a couple of centimeters. Leave overnight.
  • In the morning, stir the resulting porridge, if there is excess water left, drain. This amount of porridge is all you can eat in a day. Salt is not recommended.
  • This amount of buckwheat should be enough for 3 meals.
  • In addition to buckwheat, you can drink a liter of kefir.

Chocolate diet for 3 days

Chocolate is rich in antioxidants and much more, so there is also a fast diet with its participation. But it's not quite as magical as it sounds.

  • Chocolate is used only dark bitter, without fillers and flavorings;
  • The daily norm is 80g, which is about one tile;
  • It is assumed 3 meals per day, that is, only a third of the bar can be eaten at a time;
  • Chocolate can be washed down only with water, and after 3 hours you can drink a small cup of black coffee without sugar.

Chocolate does not contain fiber and bowel cleansing, as with many other diets, it does not. But you can really lose weight quickly and without harm to the body on this diet.

Zucchini diet for 3 days

Zucchini improves digestion and removes poisons that affect the condition of the skin and overall well-being of a person. Therefore, such a diet helps not only to lose weight, but also to improve your appearance.

Here are the rules for the fast diet:

  • Eat zucchini raw or with a minimum of heat treatment;
  • Cooking oil is prohibited. Vegetables can be boiled, cooked in a double boiler, baked;
  • At one time, you can eat 250 g of zucchini;
  • Use only small green squash - zucchini - whole, with the peel. It is she who is responsible for cleansing the body.

There is another variation of the three-day squash diet, with a more varied and complex menu by day:

  1. For breakfast, zucchini and carrots, you can eat 60 g of fat-free cheese. For lunch, chicken breast soup. After a couple of hours - a rosehip broth. Zucchini risotto for dinner.
  2. For breakfast, a salad of zucchini and fresh herbs, cottage cheese. For lunch, zucchini stewed with chicken or turkey, rice. After a couple of hours, tea with mint and chamomile. Zucchini stew for dinner.
  3. Salad of raw zucchini, tomato and cucumber. Boiled cauliflower or broccoli with zucchini. After a couple of hours, carrot or pumpkin juice. For dinner, zucchini, seen with chicken fillet.

Every day, an hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of fat-free kefir or yogurt.

Banana diet for 3 days

Most diets categorically forbid eating bananas, even if other fruits are allowed. The reason is the very high nutritional value of bananas, which can negate the effect of most diets. But this mono-diet, on the contrary, turns the nutritional value and saturation of bananas with useful substances into a weapon against fat.

By the way, OxyElite Pro fat burner is an excellent means of weight loss. This remedy has side effects.

The drug Glucophage Long for weight loss is used even by athletes. The main thing is to follow the instructions for using this tool and it will have a positive effect.

Here's how you can lose 10 kg of weight with a diet. Also in the article, the link indicates menu options.

Milk is also included in the banana diet. These products saturate the body well, so you will not feel hungry.

Here's how to use bananas to lose weight fast:

  • All your food for the day is 3 ripe bananas and 3 glasses of milk. Mix, make a cocktail, use separately - everything is up to you.
  • There should be 6 small meals per day.
  • Unsweetened green tea without additives is allowed in between.

When you urgently need to lose the extra 3-4 kg, short diets come to the rescue. They are tough, complex, often contain only 1 item (not always tasty), but give quick results. The problem remains maintaining weight after the end of the program.

Basic rules of three-day diets

Express weight loss methods are designed for a short period of time and the scarcity of the diet. More often mono-diets are used, consisting of one or two products.

The programs differ in content, but the basic rules are the same:

  • it is forbidden to deviate from the given program;
  • drinking regime - at least 2 liters of water;
  • with dizziness, nausea and poor health, the program is interrupted;
  • the exit after 3 days of the diet is needed weekly with the gradual introduction of new products.

The most effective diets for 3 days: a sample menu for the day

A common technique that includes only steamed buckwheat and kefir. It has been losing weight for several generations, it is approved by nutritionists even with illness and breastfeeding. But besides such a strict diet, there are other options for mono-days for unloading the body and dropping 3-5 extra pounds.

The program is based on fresh and steamed vegetables: carrots, cabbage, beets, celery, beans, potatoes. The bottom line is not to exceed the 1000 kcal limit by eating plant foods that have undergone various processing.

3 days should follow a single program:

  • Breakfast - vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers.
  • Snack - raw grated or whole carrots.
  • Lunch - chopped cabbage and cucumber.
  • Snack - boiled beets.
  • Dinner - bell pepper stuffed with eggplant pulp, baked in foil.

Balanced diet from Elena Malysheva

The TV presenter is a fighter for proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, so she offered more than 10 balanced programs, one of which is the New Year's express diet, designed for quick weight loss.

Within 3 days, the diet does not change:

  • Breakfast - 20 g of low-fat cheese + 2 toasts.
  • Lunch - 200 g of boiled chicken, vegetable salad.
  • Snack - 2 apples (plums, peaches, oranges).
  • Dinner - vegetable lasagna.
  • Snack - green salad.

The fruit diet itself is the same type due to the scarcity of the diet. But it is also divided into monomethodology and mixed. The first suggests the presence of only one fruit on the menu, the second prescribes the introduction of a second fruit or dairy product.

Mixed programs (diet) Mono-diet options for 3 days
  • breakfast - a large fruit and 200 g of fruit juice;
  • lunch - 300 g of fruit salad;
  • dinner - lunch repeat + 250 g fresh
Apricot (1.5 kg of fresh fruit per day)
  • 4 pieces of peaches;
  • 200 g cottage cheese + 200 ml juice;
  • 3 peaches
Pineapple (a liter of fresh without additives + 2 kg of pulp per day)
Apple + orange (total 1.5 kg of fruit, salad dressing with natural yogurt is allowed) Watermelon (daily rate is determined by the formula: weight in kg / 10)
Melon (1.5 kg divided into 5 doses)
For kiwi (1.5 kg of fruits without peel)
Apple (use of fruit in any quantity + 3 liters of water)

Dairy products improve the intestinal microflora and speed up digestion, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Thanks to this, the tone of the face is refreshed, skin cells regenerate faster, blood is thinned.

There are 3 possible options for losing weight on kefir:

  • The use of only fat-free kefir without additives for 3 days (no more than 1.5 liters per day). Teas are forbidden, but maintaining water balance is mandatory.
  • Dairy products + fruits, the daily menu includes 1.5-2 liters of kefir and 1 kg of fruit (preferably apples, oranges or watermelons), weight loss - 2 kg.
  • No additional drinking is allowed for this course. Meals are limited to 1.5 liters of a fermented milk drink without additives, 2 whole grain toasts, vegetable salad with olive oil, two apples and 20 grams of hard cheese (or an egg).

Rice perfectly cleanses the intestines from toxins and salts, along with this, extra pounds also go away. They stick to it for no longer than a week, the optimal safe duration is 3 days, with the expected effect of 2-3 kg. There are many methods, including Fig. The most difficult involves the use of steamed cereals with tomato juice. It is difficult to sustain such a program for more than three days.

200 g of dry rice are steamed in boiling water in the evening without salt and spices. The volume is divided into 5 equal parts. 1 liter of tomato juice is distributed in a similar way. It is necessary to drink more than 2 liters of clear liquid, green tea or herbal decoctions.

It seems that bananas and milk are high-calorie foods , on which mass is more likely to gain than to drop. But under the condition (less than 1000), the weight goes away, and in combination with micronutrient deficiencies, the process accelerates. Such a mono-diet is easily tolerated, it is tasty and satisfying.

The program needs thin-skinned ripe bananas of a rich yellow color, medium in size. One such fruit contains about 100 kcal. Greenish fruits are too starchy, and dried ones are high in calories.

The technique is definitely not suitable for people with lactose intolerance, because plant milk cannot be used (it includes more calories, food additives, sweeteners). A pasteurized fat-free product is suitable (can be replaced with kefir or natural drinking yogurt).

Every day you need to eat 3 bananas and drink 3 glasses of milk in any order. The volume is divided into 5 doses, you can prepare smoothies. During the day, at least 2.5 liters of water are drunk, green tea and coffee without sugar are allowed.

To prepare a drink, you need 1 part green tea (accelerates metabolism) and 1 part skim milk (quenches hunger). A hard fasting day involves the use of only this mixture (2 liters in 7 doses). For a three-day diet, the introduction of fresh vegetables and fruits into the menu is allowed.

Every two hours you need to drink 250-300 ml of tea with milk (without sugar). In addition, it is important to maintain fluid balance by drinking at least 2 liters of still mineral water.

There is a ten-day program, the first three days of which are drinking pure tea with milk. The next week prescribes the introduction of water-based oatmeal, steamed vegetables or broths, chicken breast (up to 50 g per day), fish into the diet.

How much weight can you lose in 3 days: results

Monodays are useful for unloading the body, removing toxins and toxins. Together with this, they help to reduce body fat and reduce overall weight. On average, in 3 days, the loss is 5 kg, subject to the rules of active training.