How to wake up easily in the morning useful tips. How to sleep well and wake up easily in the morning

You are doing something wrong.

To get a good sleep and wake up in a good mood, you should pay attention to some important things.

These tips will help you not only sleep well, but also feel like a cheerful person. The next morning.

Good sleep at night

1. Stop using your phone before bed.

You don’t need to chat online with friends and surf social networks in the evening before going to bed, because at this time your brain produces melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. Light from the screen of your smartphone and monitor reduces the production of the hormone, and it is more difficult for you to fall asleep.

2. Sleep in complete darkness.

Some find it easier to fall asleep in a not-so-dark room, while others enjoy waking up with the sun shining through the window. But for a good and effective awakening, it is worth falling asleep in the dark, and, waking up in the morning, move the curtains or blinds so that the sunlight bursts into the house sharply. Thus, you will cheer up much faster.

Read also:

How to fall asleep quickly

3. Take a hot bath before bed.

Usually in the evening our body temperature drops a little, which makes us want to sleep. Taking a hot bath will change your body temperature. Due to changes in body temperature, you will want to go to bed earlier. In addition, a hot bath helps to relax and calm down.

4. Turn off the heaters.

Of course, we all want to fall asleep in a warm room and leave the heater on all evening or all night. This applies more to periods when winter has not yet arrived, but summer is already over. The ideal temperature for sleeping is between 15 and 19 degrees Celsius. Maybe that's why you can't sleep well.

How to sleep at night

5. Wear socks.

Before your body shuts down completely, it will direct the flow of blood to your arms and legs. But if your feet are warm, then the blood vessels will dilate, the body temperature will drop a little, and you will fall asleep faster.

6. Fill yourself with energy.

Try to wake up 5 minutes earlier than usual to get some warm and bright light from the sun. If the weather is overcast, then simply fill the room with light: turn on the room lights or part the curtains. The brightness will cheer you up and your mood will improve.

7. It would not be superfluous to do exercises in the morning.

Physical activity helps not only wake up your body, but also improve your mood and energize you for the whole day. Still, it is worth waking up a little earlier in order to have time to exercise at least 5 minutes.

8. Exercise during the day.

Exercising at the same time every day also improves your sleep. Your body will learn when to expend energy and when to switch off and rest.

The best dream

9. Hard work, good sleep.

If you are actively working and exercising, your body will not only look better, but you will also fall asleep easier. It is much more pleasant to go to bed after a hard day and a grueling workout.

10. Early breakfast.

A good hearty breakfast wakes you up and your metabolism. It provides enough energy to work effectively. Try to wake up and have breakfast at the same time. It will also help you avoid excess weight.

How easy it is to wake up in the morning, the question concerns both physiology and other important factors. About everything in order.

It is known that in winter and early spring we do not have enough sunlight. The lack of clear rays leads to apathy and drowsiness, it is harder to wake up in the morning, the alarm clock rings, and there is no strength and mood to get up. You mentally repeat: “I’ll lie down for a couple more minutes ...” The minutes gradually multiply, it’s getting harder and harder to force yourself to open your eyes and get out of bed, and in especially severe cases, you can even fall asleep again, and then you will definitely be late for work or school.

If it is very difficult for you to wake up in the morning, try to gradually implement our tips into your life. They are simple to implement, but very effective:

Jumping out of bed abruptly at the first sound of an alarm clock is just as harmful as staying up to the last. The body needs a couple of minutes to wake up and tune in to a new day. To do this, when you hear the sounds of a wake-up call, try to smile, thinking about something pleasant that awaits you today. Almost every day something good awaits us, just remember it! Now, with pleasure, stretch your whole body - starting from the tips of the fingers on the hands and ending with the toes. Massage each finger thoroughly for 10-15 seconds. These procedures will help you start a new day in a cheerful mood.

If you know that in the morning, when you hear the nasty ringing of an alarm clock, you will definitely find it with your hand without waking up, automatically turn it off and again fall into a sweet slumber, this is the rule for you. Set an alarm clock in the evening not near the bed, but in the opposite corner of the room. To turn it off, you willy-nilly have to crawl out from under a warm blanket and spank a few meters. Some even hide the alarm clock in the closet - to turn it off, you have to substitute a chair. After that, there will be no point in getting under the covers again, and it will be much easier for you to force yourself to go to the bathroom.

A great idea is to arrange a pleasant awakening not to a sharp ringing, but to the sounds of your favorite tunes. Such a function exists, for example, in a music center. You can also debug the automatic inclusion of your favorite music TV channel. As a last resort, train yourself to turn on the TV with the remote control immediately after the alarm rings. The music that you like can be anything - cheerful, incendiary, or, conversely, gentle and smooth. It all depends on what tunes you like to wake up to.

Place a couple of ampoules of essential oil next to your bed. Invigorating properties have, for example, orange, mint or grapefruit oil. And in Japan, employers irrigate factory floors with jasmine oil - it has been proven that it greatly invigorates and increases efficiency.

If only coffee can wake you up, prepare a thermos with this drink in the evening and put it on the bedside table next to the bed. Why not drink the first cup of an invigorating drink in bed?

This is a win-win method. Try it yourself! If you have already had the strength to get up and make your way to the bathroom, consolidate your success by turning on alternately very warm and cool water. There is no need for extreme temperatures, it is not necessary to use a scalding and ice shower alternately. If there is no time for a shower, at least put your hands under the stream of water and change its temperature - from hot to cold.

Tip 7. Sunny orange color

To add some positivity and tune in to a cheerful mood, freshen up your room with orange spots: scatter a few pillows of this color, buy a new vase or lampshade, in the end, put a dozen bright oranges on a large beautiful dish! When you look at this song, your mood will definitely rise.

IMPORTANT! Go to bed not too late, air the room before going to bed and do not drink stimulating drinks at night. A sleepy person wakes up much easier.

For many, getting out of bed in the morning is a real feat. Here are some simple tips for those who still managed to get out of bed. And if it didn’t work out, then it will come in handy in the future.

However, it is worth remembering about the health of the body. If you follow these recommendations - and the general condition does not improve - this is an occasion to consult a specialist.

How to spend the morning to stay in good shape all day?

Yes, because... The biggest mistake in life is to turn off the alarm without looking, with the thought: "5 more minutes..." How many times have you been so late for work or just slept late? Falling asleep after waking up, you will provide the body with a dose of lethargy and drowsiness for the whole day ... well, or just risk losing your job.

Stay on your feet for about 5 minutes doing "morning disciplines" and 70% of the time you won't want to go to bed again.

2. Getting out of bed, NEVER lie back down. This is the second trap.

3. Immediately after waking up, you should drink a glass of non-carbonated water with lemon.. This will start the metabolism. In addition, water with lemon helps to strengthen the immune system and the overall health of the body. But it is better to refrain from tea or coffee on an empty stomach - these drinks negatively affect the gastric mucosa, irritating its walls. This is especially true for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Set aside a cup of coffee until breakfast.

4. A contrast shower and light massage will help to cheer up. These simple actions will start the process of blood circulation and warm up the body, you will become more energetic.

5. Ventilate the room. You need oxygen. And if your bedroom has indoor plants, it is doubly necessary. In the process of synthesis, plants exhale carbon dioxide. Because of this, in the mornings, sometimes you feel dizzy or feel a general malaise. Do not forget to open the windows for at least a few minutes.

6. Cheerful morning should be active. The only thing: do not jump out of bed abruptly.

Light exercise, cardio training, yoga or stretching is a great start to an energetic day. Swimming helps a lot. Cardio is best done on an empty stomach, but before strength training, it’s worth a little “refuel”. For especially lazy - "sips" in bed - also good.

7. Breakfast is a must. It is best to eat carbohydrates in the morning: they will provide the body with sufficient energy. Porridge, toast with jam, cheesecakes or pancakes are ideal. (and so - the owner-master, of course) Proteins are also useful: egg dishes, ham, cottage cheese, etc. You should not overeat, otherwise, instead of cheerfulness, you will get lethargy, because. the body will use energy to digest food. Therefore, some food is for energy.

8. To wake up easily every morning - adjust your sleep pattern. Use sleep trackers. You can find and download the most suitable application for you in the App Store or Google Play. Touch movements will help the smartphone determine a comfortable wake-up time, and alerts come with a calm melody.

And remember: the “right” morning is the key to good health!

The phrase "Easy to get up in the morning" for many city dwellers sounds like a fantasy. The task of getting up early is quite difficult and everyone has to solve it on their own. For an owl, this task turns into a daily torture, and every day starts on the wrong foot. Still, there are some secrets, and cheerfully walk to work?

Tune in to enjoy

A good mental attitude can work wonders. A calm person usually sleeps soundly and wakes up easily and with pleasure. Bad mood, problems in the family do not allow you to fall asleep quickly, sleep is restless and a person wakes up in a broken state and with difficulty. Therefore, you need to learn how to properly motivate yourself and received during the day.

Good thoughts help you wake up easily and quickly. Psychologists assure that the reluctance to get up in the morning is associated with the desire to hide from reality in a pleasant dream.

Everyone remembers how, as a child, they woke up early without the intervention of an alarm clock or an adult in anticipation of some wonderful adventure. Therefore, in order to wake up quickly and in a good mood in the morning, you need to tune in to some pleasant event during the next day in the evening.

Maybe, you waiting for an interesting meeting or acquaintance, an exciting project, going to the cinema, theater, gym, or, in the end, just a delicious breakfast. A good breakfast will help the feeling of hunger if you have dinner long before bedtime. Then the vision of a cup of aromatic coffee with a delicious bun, sandwich or toasted toast will help you quickly tune in to activity.

Breath of fresh air

Often, a heavy rise in the morning is due to a lack of oxygen in the bedroom. Even in a well-ventilated room in the evening there is little oxygen left in the morning. Therefore, sleeping in a bedroom with an open window is the best way to wake up cheerful in the morning. If this is not possible, then it must be opened immediately in the morning. A breath of fresh morning air will help you wake up faster and saturate your brain with oxygen as much as possible if you yawn several times with pleasure in front of an open window.

Water procedures

Water is involved in all reactions and vital processes of the body, and also works as a good alarm clock. Nutritionists strongly recommend starting the day with a glass of clean water. It stimulates the digestive processes. And then you can already have breakfast, drink green tea, but coffee can be allowed at the end of breakfast so as not to raise blood pressure.

Water in the morning should not be cold and should be drunk in small sips. And then you can go to the shower.

A contrast shower will help you wake up, gain vigor and improve blood circulation throughout the body. But if you have a negative attitude towards him, then just take a cool shower.

How easy it is to wake up

So, the alarm clock rang, but the eyes do not open. Start immediately slowly, and then actively stretch in bed, taking deep breaths and slow exhalations. Sipping stretches and kneads the muscles, stimulates metabolic reactions. It also helps to wake up easily by quickly and actively rubbing the palms against each other. Ear massage will improve the blood supply to the brain. Massage of the trapezius muscle in the neck, face, fingers, and toes also helps a lot.

Work out your rhythm

Many of us do not listen to our body at all: we go to bed late, we get up not when the body needs it. And then we are surprised when failures in the body begin, it arises. Where do you get energy in the morning?

No need to play on the computer before going to bed, as well as watch movies on TV. This excites the brain and leads to difficulty falling asleep or even insomnia. You need to take advantage of every moment to sleep.

And it’s better to work out your sleep schedule and listen to your body more. Try to fall asleep and wake up always on any day of the week at the same time, and then you will not have problems in the morning, you will wake up easily.

Turn on the light

Waking up in the winter is harder because the bedroom is dark. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to pull the curtains, turn on a bright light. In the bedroom you can put tangerines, oranges, bright apples, their bright color helps to wake up.

It has been noticed that getting up in the morning is easier if you play sports 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Pleasant music

Try setting your music center to the time the alarm is turned on, and pleasant music will help you positively tune in for the whole day. You can set the TV to turn on automatically so you can't fall asleep again. Of course, if you slept less than 6-8 hours, pleasant music and light will not help you either. A tortured, unrested organism will resist awakening with all its might.

Start your day smiling at yourself in the mirror. Oddly enough, but it works. Try it and you will feel the magical power of this method in full.

We hope that our little tips will help you solve the problem. Happy awakening.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Do not self-medicate!

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Sometimes you just don't feel like waking up in the morning! To make this process not so difficult, you need to know what helps us wake up.

1. Getting enough sleep at night

It's always easier to get up after a good night's sleep. If you have rested enough time, you will not want to fall asleep again after waking up. On average, an adult needs about 8 hours of sleep, but not everyone needs to sleep that much - some need more sleep, others need less.

2. Caffeine

Millions of people start their day with caffeinated drinks and it really helps them wake up. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, hot chocolate, or even soda. Although all of these foods may not always be beneficial to the body, in general, they are not harmful either.

3. Alarm clock

An alarm clock is an item that can pull you out of even the deepest stage of sleep. However, doctors do not recommend using alarm clocks. But since most of us have to run to work in the morning, we have to wake up at a certain time, so very often the alarm clock is simply irreplaceable.

4. Illumination

If you wake up and see the sun, it helps you wake up faster. Alas, this is not always the case. In winter, you have to get up in complete darkness, and this is very difficult for the body. Our body follows a natural rhythm of daylight and dark, which is why daylight is so important for waking up.

5. Stimulants

For those who experience debilitating sleepiness in the morning, stimulants may be prescribed. They help you wake up faster and feel refreshed throughout the day. Excessive sleepiness can result from conditions such as narcolepsy or sleep apnea. Stimulants include Ritalin, Provigil, Nuvigil, and some others.

6. Daily routine

The human body likes to follow a certain natural rhythm. It's good to go to bed and get up at the same time. In this case, there will be no problems falling asleep, and you will wake up just as easily. True, for those who are used to not sticking to any rhythms, the daily routine can be quite difficult. However, if you still go to bed and get up at the same hours, your body will quickly get used to it.

7. Treatment of sleep disorders

If you suffer from any sleep disorder, this will negatively affect your ability to wake up on time in the morning. It is harmful to go to bed both too early and too late. If you can't adjust your sleep-wake rhythm on your own, see your doctor and follow all his recommendations to get rid of sleep problems faster.

8. Physical activity

If you do not feel cheerful after waking up, a light exercise will help you. Immediately after waking up, do light and uncomplicated exercises. There shouldn't be many of them. But you will immediately feel refreshed and awake.

9. Breakfast

Breakfast is a great way to wake up! Even a small amount of food can give you a burst of energy to start your day cheerfully and cheerfully. If you include some caffeinated drink in your breakfast, you will have even more vigor.

10. Being able to wake up on your own

This method is somewhat similar to the first one. He is also the best. If you live according to the regime, go to bed on time and get up on time, your body will wake you up on time. You will no longer need alarm clocks and other means of awakening.